Be it whatever century, movies aim to attract the audience’s attention. Some accomplish the goal. Whereas, some fail to do so. Some movies are such a hit at the box office with a sorted storyline, that they manage to carry on with franchises. While some do not make it to their next sequel even. But, there are a few movies from the ’90s that definitely deserved a sequel, but missed the boat. Between Robin Williams-led comedies and Arnold Schwarzenegger-helmed Christmas movies, these sweet family flicks deserved follow-ups. However, nobody talks about them. So, here’s a list of 10 ’90s movies that were sequel-worthy but could not do so. Check it out!

1. 1997- “The Borrowers

The Borrowers
The Borrowers

The Borrowers” is a fun movie full of pranks. It is about a family of humans who are no taller than 4 inches. They use life-size tools in inventive ways, just like the live-action film “Toy Story“. There should have been a sequel to this wonderful movie considering how rich the world is. There are so many creative ways in which we can use this movie in the real-sized world. Nonetheless, a reboot is in the talks which might be better than the 1997 movie!

2. 1993- “Mrs. Doubtfire

Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire

The story of this film is very sweet. Robin Williams plays the lead role. It is about “Daniel“, a divorced actor who disguises himself as “Mrs. Doubtfire“, an aging Scottish female housekeeper. He does this so that he can work in his ex-wife’s house. Why? Only to spend time with his children. Makers could have easily thought of a sequel to this, but they didn’t. However, fans are pressurizing studios to make the director’s cut of the movie.

3, 1997- “Jungle 2 Jungle

Jungle 2 Jungle
Jungle 2 Jungle

Viewers often believe that it is a sequel since it has 2 in the title. It is an original movie. The story revolves around Michael, a businessman who finds out that he has a teenage son. But the twist is, the son was raised in a jungle. The movie ends with Michael heading to the jungle and living with the tribes. They could have made a sequel showing Michel returning to New York and trying to live his old normal stock trading life. This would have been hilarious.

4. 1997- “Mouse Hunt

Mouse Hunt
Mouse Hunt

The movie is about two brothers trying to sell a mansion. However, that mansion has a stubborn mouse that they try to exterminate. The screenplay was fun to watch. Lars and Ernie, the two brothers, end up working with the mouse in harmony at a cheese factory that they built together. Even though “Mouse Hunt” was one of the slapstick comedies of the ’90s, it did not get a follow-up. Moreover, “Lee Evans” who played “Lars” did not get enough movie roles after this movie. He eventually dropped out of Hollywood entirely.

5. 1994- “The Little Rascals”

The Little Rascals
The Little Rascals

The Little Rascals” is about a group of mischievous young boys who love go-karts and most importantly, hate women. Most of the movie focuses on these two things. Many of the gags are inspired by “Our Gang“, a short film series from the 1920s to-1940s. In the end, the clubhouse is rebuilt after it was burned down. Also, girls are now allowed into the clubhouse, adding more fun to the story. However, this amazing plot did not get a sequel. They could have easily extended the movie gags from “Our Gang” that they didn’t use in the first movie!

6. 1994- “Little Giants

Little Giants
Little Giants

The ’90s was an era that saw loads of sports movies that influenced people to take up sports and indulge in outdoor activities. One such movie is “Little Giants“. The movie is about a football team of outcast kids who attempt to take on the best team in the league. They could have made an interesting sequel considering the characters in the team were so brash and strange. However, the movie did not perform well at the box office. Maybe that is why the makers did not think in that direction! But it is sad how such a wonderful story didn’t hit the mind of the audience.

7. 1996- “Jingle All The Way

Jingle All The Way
Jingle All The Way

As the name suggests, “Jingle All The Way” is a movie about Christmas. It stars “Arnold Schwarzenegger” as “Howard“. He is recklessly roaming around Minneapolis searching for a popular Christmas toy that has been sold out. However, initially, the movie was mocked. But with every passing Christmas, it is being acclaimed even more by fans. They love to repeat quotes like “Put the cookie down!” and “I am not a pervert. I was just looking for a Turbo Man Doll.” How lovely it would have been to see Arnold in a sequel looking for some other toy. By the way, there was a sequel as “Jingle All The Way 2” but it was completely different from the original movie.

8. 1996- “Matilda”


Matilda” is directed by Danny DeVito. Remember DeVito? Yes, the Penguin from “Batman Returns“. “Matilda” movie is based on a young girl named “Matilda Wormwood” played by Mara Wilson. She develops psychokinetic abilities and uses them to deal with her disreputable family. She also uses her abilities against her torturous Principal “Agatha Trunchbull“. The plot is literally so interesting but couldn’t bag a sequel for itself. However, DeVito has said that there is still a possibility for the sequel, which would be about Matilda’s own daughter. Now that sounds interesting!

9. 1991- “Hook”


The ’90s was literally Robin Williams era you can say. He was the go-to-family movie lead actor. His work appealed to both kids and adults. In the movie “Hook”, Robin plays the adult version of “Peter Pan“, a name familiar to every person! There could have been a follow-up to “Hook” in a different narrative. Fun Fact: The director hated the movie! However, “Hook” is one of those movies that is hated by critics but loved by the general audience. I guess that should be the sole aim. The audience. Right?

10. 1998- “Small Soldiers

Small Soldiers
Small Soldiers

Just like “Toy Story“, “The Indian In The Cupboard” and “Jumanji“, “Small Soldiers” is also about toys coming to life! But, uniquely. The super-intelligent monster toys are put against soldier toys, and the two teams are destined to fight each other forever. More like good v/s evil. They could have done so much with this movie plot. A possible sequel was in the development. But that never happened.

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