12 Coolest Details from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse That Will Blow Your Minds!
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is one of the coolest movies ever and has been jam-packed with little details that could have been missed by most of us. Here’s a bunch of details that were found by fans that are surely going to blow your mind!
1. The moment when the first Peter Parker introduces himself as “the one and only Spider-Man”, there is a sign behind him in the background which says “WRONG”

2. The Pennant and the medal which are hanging in Miles’ room resemble the Deadpool’s symbol

3. At the beginning of the movie, as Miles arrives late to his class, the teacher is showing a video of Olivia Octavius aka Doc Ock.

4. When Miles was at his Uncle Aaron’s apartment, there was a clip of Donald Glover wearing a Spider-Man shirt from Community Season 2, Episode 1 was playing. The episode had aired shortly after the #DonaldForSpiderMan campaign way back in 2010.

5. When Miles was falling from the ceiling, if you pause your screen at just the right moment, you can catch his eyes popping out of his head!

6. As Miles and Aaron head out to do graffiti, a subway is showing speeding by and if we freeze just at the right moment, we can see Stan Lee in the subway!

7. The number 42 was placed in the movie, which was a reference to Jackie Robinson, the very first black player in MLB. Of course, as we know, Miles Morales is the very first Afro Latino superhero. We can see Miles laying between the numbers four and two right after he falls from a building. And even the spider that had originally bit him was numbered 42. That’s a lot of references in one scene!

8. That scene when Miles electrocuted Peter B. Parker, we could see his nervous system lit up instead of the skeleton which we typically see in animated series/ movies.

9. The background of Times Square is full of some spot-on details. FedEx is known as RedEx, we can see Steph Curry as a golfer instead of an NBA player (but he also does golf IRL), the movie Bridesmaids is called Baby Shower. Starbucks is known as II Giornale which actually was the name of the coffee outlets opened by Howard Schultz before he rebranded them as Starbucks!

10. As the group was preparing to take down Kingpin, Peni Parker’s robot says, “怖い” which translates to ” I am scared” in English.

11. Towards the latter part of the movie, Gwen and Peter B. Parker are blown away by Miles’ movies considering they didn’t teach him to do that. Miles was just doing what he saw his world’s Peter Parker do during the start of the movie!

12. Peni doesn’t have any spider-powers which allow her to stick to a surface and hence she has to squeeze between Gwen and Miles when the group is hiding from Miles’ roommate on the ceiling.

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