The corona pandemic is remembered as the worst nightmare of 2020 and being locked in our houses has sure made us crazy. A lot of survival practices have become the new fad in this new normal, home workouts being one. All the IG stories, FB posts, WhatsApp statuses are filled with the before and after pictures of their body transformations. Though most of us are happy and motivated by seeing them, we have made YouTube tutorials as our PT and opted to follow a healthy diet, while some of us are happy and claim ourselves to be fit just by refilling the water bottle in the kitchen and walking back to our bedroom too. However, we all found our own ways to release the pandemic frustration by shredding some calories.

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We have been seeing a lot of posts about the futurists back then talking about how the vision 2020 would look like, some of the predictions were about flying cars, houses relocating by themselves, having personal helicopters, telepathy and teleportation, Mars tourism, oh! What not.

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Sadly, We all know 2020 has not exactly been the best of times. Even a year ago, none of us saw this coming. So let’s cut some slack to our previous generations. They didn’t predict a global pandemic, economic collapse and an extended quarantine , but must say, their visions look quite overly optimistic.

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Companies across the nations have asked their employees to work from home in this crisis situation. People are still in self-isolation and are practicing social distancing at the moment. While for some, work from home is a cake walk, for the rest, it is the worst nightmare coming to their life.

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No shave November is what you do it for a month, when you and your barber realizes that this whole year has been a No shave November for you.

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He is a Charger Procrastinator, these are interesting creatures due to the fact that their sole flaw is its inability to plug in the phone to its charger. But with due course of time, the they will eventually die out, and a new generation will look back in fond remembrance of the Charger Procrastinators and all their 2 per cent glory.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we are at 2% right now and can’t seem to find the charger…

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Remember when the most stressful thing you could do was to calculate your age by counting it? And 90 kids already feel old by seeing this meme. This should come as no surprise. It’s life, logic, and basic math. But heading into 2021, many people are coming to the collective realization that “2000s babies” are in their adulthood and that “’90s kids” are essentially almost 30 this year.

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COVID-19 lockdowns have been scary and difficult, it has acted as the blessing in disguise and has given us once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get to know ourselves — a time to learn about who we actually are and not to think what we are supposed to be or who others tell us we ought to be. Many months of isolation has given time for self-introspection, now, as we move into the next phases of reopening, is a great time to think about what you are and how will impact your further endeavors.

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