Marvel (plus DC) superheroes have historically had a wide variety of backstories to draw from – western, Japanese, Eastern European, etc. But it’s been just in the last few years and especially with their film adaptations that Egyptian Mythology has been used as inspiration for new projects based on superhero ideas: Ms. Marvel (whose alter-ego is Kamala Khan) and Moon Knight feature heavily alongside several other characters who are currently gearing up to make appearances in the MCU. The aforementioned vigilante is strongly linked to this ancient lore and draws on it for his vigilante activities, but there are plenty of other superheroes who are also inspired from the Egyptian Mythology –

Hawkman And Hawkgirl

There are several incarnations of Hawkman; the most well-known being Carter Hall, a reincarnation of an Egyptian Prince who happens to be American. Interestingly enough, Hawkman is clearly inspired by the Egyptian God Horus (the God of the falcon). But that’s not all. Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) is another reincarnation of Khufu’s love Chay-Ara. She was transported to Earth with no memory and one day met Carter Hall while he was in his Silver Age Hawkman incarnation. Kendra explained her situation and stories began to merge through them telling alternate versions as different characters understood their situation more as time went on. Things eventually got easier for them after they discovered this and started preparations for the unavoidable battle ahead against Hath-Set and their other enemies.

Related: Other Movies & Shows Starring The Cast Of Moon Knight

 Superheroes Inspired by Egyptian Mythology
Hawkgirl and Hawkman in comics

Black Adam

Adam, a corrupted ancient Egyptian predecessor to Captain Marvel, gets his powers from Shu (the God of air, who is often depicted as a human with outstretched arms wielding either a flail or an ankh), Menthu (also written as Ment’, who was the God of war and thought to be either one of two falcons which accompanied Horus), Zehuti (Thoth, the baboon-headed God of wisdom), Amon (the hidden one, a male child God sometimes identified with Amen Ra), Anpu (Anubis the jackal-God of mummification, protector of cemeteries and embalmer and director of souls in the afterlife), and Hershef (Horus the Elder).

 Superheroes Inspired by Egyptian Mythology
Black Adam in the comic world


One of the main Thundercats foes, Mumm-Ra received his powers from the Ancient Spirits of Evil (which were references to these gods: Seth, Apis, Nekhbet, and Sobek). His main goal was to take over Third Earth, and so he captured many tribes of Thundera. He also made two failed attempts to destroy the Cats Lair, both times being stopped by the combined efforts of the Thundercat team.

Related: MCU Heroes Moon Knight Can Never Win Against In A 1v1 Fight

 Superheroes from Egyptian Mythology
Mumm-Ra in comics


Ramesses, also known as Ozymandias, was the third pharaoh of ancient Egypt. He is considered to be one of the most powerful rulers in history. However, he became renowned after his passing due to his great achievements for a statue which was erected in honor of him on a desert road that read, “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair.” The abundance of other statues and carvings reflects his enormous influence across the kingdom. Copycatters soon adopted these words in various languages on their own monuments intended to convey the same meaning. Ramesses became known as Ozymandias in Greek (discovered centuries later by classicist Percy Bysshe Shelly.)

 Superheroes Inspired by Egyptian Mythology
Ozymandias in the comic world

Doctor Fate

DC superheroes have been around for a long time, and the character of Dr. Fate, in particular, has had many incarnations since the 1930s – many have been actual archaeologists who found their way into ancient Egyptian tombs and inadvertently discovered the helmet which allows them to gain powers like flight and telekinesis.

 Superheroes From Egyptian Mythology
Doctor Fate in comics


Marvel introduced us to this supervillain in 1993. In fact, he’s one of their most famous as his name is En Sabah Nur. He’s an immortal mutant (born in Egypt) with the self-molecular control ability and intellect to calculate odds of 50 million to one and flying abilities through altering wind currents around him.

Related: Moon Knight Newest Teaser Finally Reveals Ethan Hawke’s Powers

Egyptian Mythology
Apocalypse in comic world


He is a fictional character that was created by Bob Haney in 1965. The origins of Metamorpho before his own comics have him be born as Rex Mason. He, while digging up an Egyptian artifact, was somehow transformed into Metamorpho. However, it’s not like he woke up one day with a new power to replace what he lost but had to learn how to use his powers from scratch. His powers include the ability to change his body into any form of matter by control and will alone.

Egyptian Mythology
Metamorpho in comic world
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