The Walking Dead is a renowned television show known for its fascinating characters and suspenseful plots. Since 2016, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has played the role of the character Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead, and reviews of his work have been overwhelmingly positive.

Negan was portrayed by the actor in a way that was nothing short of captivating. Negan was made all the more intriguing by the actor’s smooth crossover between his menacing and charming characteristics. However, the actor expressed his utter displeasure with how his character’s story ended in the series.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffrey Dean Morgan disliked the way the show wrapped up his character

In The Walking Dead, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who played Negan, expressed his displeasure with the way his character’s narrative concluded. Morgan claimed in an interview that he would have preferred to see Negan “walk off into the sunset” rather than get married in the season finale. Negan’s new connection lacked a solid foundation, which left an air of unrealized potential.

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan in The Walking Dead
Jeffrey Dean Morgan in The Walking Dead

Morgan expressed his disapproval of Negan’s marriage at the end of The Walking Dead by stating,

“We never saw the story of how he met this person and why he would’ve married her, which always kind of bummed me out.”

The Boys actor argued that he didn’t think Negan would be able to move on so quickly since he believed Negan was still in love with his deceased wife, Lucille. He said that he thought the writers should have done a better job of explaining why Negan would remarry a person he hardly knows.

Negan’s character development through the series

One of the most dramatic episodes in The Walking Dead’s history included Negan’s introduction. Negan, the commanding leader of the Saviours, swiftly made himself known as a powerful and difficult adversary. His reputation at first was one of brutality and sadism. Many adored characters like Glenn and Abraham, perished at his hands. Negan’s personality started to change though, as the series went on. Layers of vulnerability and moral uncertainty were exposed through his encounters with important characters like Judith, Carl, and Rick. He was revealed to be both extremely nasty and extremely compassionate.

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jeffrey Dean Morgan

The outstanding performance by Jeffrey Dean Morgan brought this transition to life. Negan became one of the most recognizable characters in The Walking Dead thanks to Morgan’s terrifying yet endearing portrayal of the character. The character’s journey ultimately involved redemption. He was able to fit in with the survivors and even grew to be an important member of the team. One of the most major and captivating plotlines in the show was Negan’s transformation from a vicious adversary to a morally torn and empathetic figure.

Read More: The Walking Dead: 7 Best Scenes From The Series, Ranked

Source: CBR

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