Doctor Strange: All Easter Eggs In The Movie
From South Korea to America and from magic to horror, the newest installment in Marvel’s superhero franchise, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness features every kind of Easter egg one could have ever dreamed of. The film follows Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. He traverses across many dimensions and universes, encountering many familiar faces both new and old. And no matter which dimension he pops into, it seems like there’s an alternate version of himself just waiting to be explored more. Fans of the comics can pick up on plenty of references in Doctor Strange 2, from spells that you might remember from reading the page to Marvel movies that came before the film. With that being said, here’s a list of every Easter egg and hidden gems included in the latest MCU movie –
Doctor Strange In Defenders Costume
The newest Stephen Strange is a variant wearing his Defenders costume and shares quite a bit in common with the original, though it’s not just him. His appearance is made complete with a ponytail (much to Doctor Strange’s distaste) and it’s also revealed that he was Sorcerer Supreme and could speak Spanish.
Related: Doctor Strange 2: Benedict Cumberbatch’s Look Showed His Commitment For The Role

The Book Of Vishanti
The Book of Vishanti was forged by the first Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto, working with the gods known as Vishanti, in an attempt to deprive others of its power. As one of the most powerful sorcerers alive, Doctor Strange became interested in obtaining this item as he felt he could use it to fight a number of enemies threatening him at the time.

A force for good by day, the Book of Vishanti is transformed into a book of darkness and corruption becoming Maleficarum, or Darkhold at night. She plans on using its dark power so she can cast a spell to create an alternate reality where they exist instead of burying them in order to feel better herself.

Gargantos was another monster summoned to fight America Chavez. His name was taken from that of Shuma-Gorath but changed due to copyright issues, which is akin to Marvel not being allowed to refer to the Supreme Intelligence in their What If…? comic books.

Masters Of Mystic Arts
While the Masters of the Mystic Arts prepare to defend themselves against the impending attack from Scarlet Witch, Wong received a surprise visitor in the form of an old acquaintance, who reverently greets him with the salutation “what an honor it is to die at your side again.” While not explicitly referencing Thanos by name, this is reminiscent of another occasion when a Titan pledged his family’s undying loyalty to Wong’s colleague and reluctantly agreed that it was indeed honorable to die by his mentor’s side.
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Master Hamir
While Doctor Strange and Wong fought their hardest against Wanda Maximoff, America Chavez was being looked after by Master Hamir. As it turned out, however, Master Hamir was too busy taking care of Chavez to realize that the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange himself needed his protection.

Wanda’s House
Wanda’s dream-walking attempts in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness are confirmed to be the same house she (is shown having been) building in WandaVision.

Baxter Foundation
In comics, the Baxter Building is home to The Fantastic Four and the Foundation for the Preservation of Alternate Universes, both of which are managed by Reed Richards in this universe. In honor of 838’s alternate-reality take on Redd Richard’s real-life likeness John Krasinki, he plays an Illuminati member.
Related: Do X-Men Exist in MCU After Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

In a flashback to an unfortunate event in the distant past, Earth-838 was exposed to a rogue player named Thanos. Thanos was slain on Titan’s moon by heroes in the game.

As the Illuminati’s security force of defense, the counterparts ensure that they are equipped with the latest tech and weapons – such as those based on or improved from the technologies used by Ultron, for example.
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