X-Men is an American superhero film series based on the superhero team first appearing in Marvel Comics. The franchise has a total of 13 films. It includes three Wolverine films, four prequels, two Deadpool films, and the final film The New Mutants, concluding the series in 2020. Most of the X-Men are mutants born with superhuman abilities. They are led by Professor X, who is a powerful mutant telepath. Their archenemy is Magneto who is a powerful mutant good at manipulation. However, the former uses a peaceful approach, whereas the latter uses an aggressive approach. Initially, the founding five members make an appearance in the first film. However, the roster expanded and included members from various origins. X-Men fans are one step ahead when it comes to analyzing their favorite film and characters. Check this list out for more details we never noticed before about X-Men films.

1. Best Line In The Whole Series

Photo: journierivera / Pinterest
Photo: journierivera / Pinterest

2. Best Cameo In Any X-Men Movie. Also, It Was Improvised

Photo: xmencomfort / Twitter
Photo: xmencomfort / Twitter

3. The Plot Of X-Men Revealed

Photo: reidmishrex / Pinterest
Photo: reidmishrex / Pinterest

4. Rogue In Cartoon v/s Rogue In Movies

Photo: JackFisherBooks / Reddit
Photo: JackFisherBooks / Reddit

5. The Performance Rate Going Down And Down

Photo: act1989 / Reddit
Photo: act1989 / Reddit

6. Wolverine Is Here, There And Everywhere!!!

Photo: Hummerous / Reddit
Photo: Hummerous / Reddit

7. More Magneto Please!

Photo: DerekNathan / Reddit
Photo: DerekNathan / Reddit

8. Why Erik? No, Please Stop

Photo: spgarza2001 / Pinterest
Photo: spgarza2001 / Pinterest

9. New Generation v/s Old Generation

Photo: imgur
Photo: imgur

10. Did You Know James McAvoy Wore A Wig Because He Accidentally Shaved His Head?

Photo: Silver_Strike / Reddit
Photo: Silver_Strike / Reddit

11. Magneto’s Expression Was Priceless

Photo: tobywish3s / Pinterest

The franchise has enough content for fans to consume. Time and again fans point out detail no one noticed before. We hope you enjoyed reading this list of unnoticed details of the X-Men series. Comment and let us know if you have noticed something about the movies or the characters. We would love to hear from you. Also, keep following Animated Times for many exciting articles and lists.

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