Matt Bomer, known for his role in White Collar, was at the forefront to play Superman in the early 2000s. It was until he wasn’t outed as gay. But, according to the actor himself, he really wowed director Brett Ratner when he tried out for a Superman movie called ‘Superman: Flyby.’

Matt Bomer in a still from White Collar
Matt Bomer in a still from White Collar (Credits: USA Network)

Ratner thought Bomer was perfect for the role! But, the big movie bosses favored a more established star. Sadly, that Superman movie never happened. And the actor believes he lost the role because of his sexuality. However, that’s not the case.

Matt Bomer’s Superman Role Loss is Not Linked to His Sexuality

Superman in a still from Superman: Unbound
Superman in a still from Superman: Unbound (Credits: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)

Back in 2012, there was a rumor about why Matt Bomer didn’t land the role of Superman. Author Jackie Collins told Gaydar Radio that it was because of the actor’s sexuality. She said:

Matt Bomer, who is the most gorgeous looking guy and the star of White Collar, he had not come out of the closet, but people in the know knew he was gay. His audition tape went in and he called up the agent and somebody didn’t like him and told [the producers] he was gay. They said, ‘No, no, we can’t cast you.’ The reason he didn’t get cast was because he was gay.

Even Bomer himself thinks that being gay might have played a part in why the studio didn’t pick him for the role. The star told The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast:

Yeah, that’s my understanding. That was a time in the industry when something like that could still really be weaponized against you. How, and why, and who, I don’t know, but yeah, that’s my understanding.

But later, a source close to the situation told E! a different story. They said it wasn’t about Bomer being gay at all:

Matt was Brett’s Superman. He would never have not cast Matt because he’s gay. Brett knew Matt was gay. They’re good friends. Matt not being Superman had nothing to do with his sexuality. It was because the director changed.

So, it is clear that Bomer’s sexuality wasn’t the reason he didn’t get the part—it was just a change in plans from the director.

Why Did ‘Superman: Flyby’ Never Come to be?

Matt Bomer in American Horror Story
Matt Bomer in American Horror Story (Credits: FX)

Between Superman IV: The Quest for Peace in 1987 and Superman Returns in 2006, there were a bunch of Superman movie ideas that never took off. One of them, called ‘Superman: Flyby’ or ‘Superman: Man of Steel’, got pretty far along. Brett Ratner was supposed to direct it in 2002.

He really wanted Matt Bomer to play Superman, but the studio wanted someone more famous, like Brendan Fraser. Because of this disagreement, Ratner said goodbye to the project. Even actors like Josh Hartnett and Paul Walker said no to the role before.

After director’s departure, the Superman project went through several creative changes. McG, the new director, decided to hold new castings for Superman. And, this time, Bomer was no longer considered for the role. It eventually went to Brandon Routh for the 2006 film Superman Returns.

While Bomer never donned the Superman suit in live-action, he did voice Superman in the 2013 animated film Superman: Unbound. The film also featured the voices of Stana Katic, John Noble, and Stephen Root.

Watch Superman: Unbound on Amazon Prime Video!

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