Despite receiving mixed reviews from fans, Return of The Jedi became a cultural phenomenon, and the movie marked the conclusion of the original Star Wars trilogy which began with Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope.

George Lucas's Return of The Jedi
Return of The Jedi

George Lucas, who is highly acclaimed for his contribution to making Star Wars a renowned and one of the most exciting franchises, revealed that he knew Return of The Jedi would earn criticism for concluding the overarching plot and resolving the storylines. however, before it was released, Lucas explained that he crafted Star Wars similar to a fairy tale, and this was how he wanted to conclude his work.

George Lucas Explained His Vision For Return of The Jedi

Known for creating the groundbreaking space opera Star Wars, George Lucas has never failed to thrill fans with his unique style of crafting his movies. However, the renowned filmmaker had one concern about his critically acclaimed movie, Return of The Jedi, that fans might criticize it for concluding in an obvious manner that can be easily predicted. Lucas was concerned about the conclusion he planned and the conclusion fans wanted to witness.

 George Lucas
George Lucas

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Return of The Jedi was initially titled Revenge of The Jedi, but due to the changes in the storyline and reflecting the Jedi philosophy of non-vengeance, it was changed. Considering the peaceful nature of the Jedis, the idea of showcasing Force Ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda assisting Luke Skywalker was abandoned. According to Screen Rant, the American Graffiti maker said:

“When [Return of the Jedi] comes out, people will say, ‘Oh, my God. How obvious! Why couldn’t they think of something more interesting than that?”

George Lucas crafted Star Wars like a fairy tale, and he wanted to conclude the trilogy in that way. Considering the original idea, and ignoring the existence of more innovative approaches to ending the trilogy, Lucas did it in an obvious manner. Return of The Jedi received mixed reviews, yet it became a massive hit resulting in successful box-office and no harsh criticism of the storyline.

George Lucas Was Extremely Considerate While Making Return of The Jedi 

Though many fans consider The Empire Strikes Back as the best movie of Star Wars, George Lucas wanted the audience to understand his true idea behind crafting Star Wars. Lucas and Richard Marquand created a distinct tone for Return of The Jedi to give the trilogy a clear ending. Considering this, George Lucas, despite knowing the existence of more innovative and thrilling ideas, chose to conclude his project like a fairy tale.

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Return Of The Jedi
Return Of The Jedi

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Star Wars films have maintained the legacy created by George Lucas, featuring the struggles and challenges of the Jedis operating against the oppressive galactic empire and the dark side of the Sith Lords. Star Wars is now considered one of the most successful and engaging franchises, known for adapting innovative and remarkable storylines to captivate its fans.

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