Jack Nicholson, the legendary Hollywood actor has always had quite the reputation as the ladies’ man. Known for his charismatic performances and killer acting skills, The Shining actor has always made headlines for one thing or another. As his career took off, Nicholsan’s romantic associations inspired immense intrigue in the general public.

But in a startling revelation, the esteemed actor once admitted that he hasn’t always been the magnetic figure he is portrayed as. He claims that women found him repulsive in his earlier years but after fame, he had embraced his newfound reputation as a playboy.

Jack Nicholson Wasn’t Always a Chick Magnet

Young Jack Nicholson
Young Jack Nicholson

The ultimate image of the big Hollywood star stereotype, Jack Nicholson is surrounded by drugs, alcohol, and women. The grandeur that comes with being in a position like his combined with his charismatic personality made the dating game really easy for him. But so wasn’t always the case.

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Nicholson’s path to becoming the Hollywood heartthrob was a little unconventional. His looks weren’t as attractive in his earlier years which made him quite undesirable. In an interview with The Independent, the actor said he had his fair share of “the usual teenage worries”. But his pubescent worries did not follow him in his adulthood and he had no trouble finding women who’d want to date him. He told the British newspaper:

“I had terrible acne, and my face was a mess. Then in my middle years in high school, I was, let’s say, stout. … Today, obviously, I have no problem finding girls because I now have the entree.”

ack Nicholson at the Oscars
Jack Nicholson at the Oscars

But this bliss of the Academy Award winner didn’t last forever. His playboy reputation later made him repulsive again.

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Women Don’t Like to Date Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson

His highly successful career brought Nicholson fame, money, and accolades along with a chance to date numerous women, which he did. This caused Nicholson’s image in the female demographic or to everyone, in general, to be of a playboy. Going through multiple women in a short span of time.

The string of high-profile relationships he went through including Anjelica Huston and Michelle Phillips made him this enigmatic figure who everyone wanted to date. But with the passage of time, the tables have turned. While once his casanova reputation was alluring, it has now made him untrustworthy. Lamenting over this turn of events, the actor told The Daily Mail:

“There were points in my life when I felt oddly irresistible to women. I’m not in that state right now, which makes me sad. They think of my reputation — Jack the Jumper. So I’m damned by what women think.”

Nicholson is now 86 years of age and was married for two years in the mid-sixties. He has six children and numerous grandchildren. Doesn’t sound like the actor ever really found a stable romantic relationship. Whether he was looking for one is doubtful.

Young Jack Nicholson
Young Jack Nicholson

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Source: The Independent and The Daly Mail

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