The Utah Skiing accident trials had many twists and turns. Gwyneth Paltrow Vs. Terry Sanderson was a memorable fight. Even the pop star, Taylor Swift had a small cameo to play. The Iron Man actress has made herself known through her acting career and being a successful businesswoman. The road to success offers many bumps in the name of controversies and lawsuits. Her trip to the Deer Park resort in Utah was supposed to be an adventurous vacation. However, an accident took place which ruined the whole experience.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Actress, Gwyneth Paltrow

The incident followed her with a lawsuit of $300,000. Sanderson claimed that the actress caused her, “permanent traumatic brain injury, four broken ribs, pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, and disfigurement”. 

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Countersuit of $1M

Paltrow denied the claim and countersued Sanderson for causing the clash. She sued Sanderson for $1 for damages. The actress won the trial through an extensive and thorough dissection of the incident in court. Paltrow was simultaneously trolled and applauded for her bizarre claim. She said, “Well, I lost half a day of skiing,”. The Shallow Hal actress also apologized for her foul language as she claimed that Sanderson crashed into her “f—king back.”. 

Actor Gwyneth Paltrow in the court
Actor Gwyneth Paltrow in the court

“I apologize for my bad language,” she appealed in court at one point. “That is not my custom,” she added.

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Taylor Swift’s Cameo in the Trial

Taylor Swift had won a similar countersuit earlier in 2017 against DJ David Mueller for $1. When Paltrow was asked whether her move was inspired by Swift’s Case, she denied the question by saying, “I would not say we’re good friends. We are friendly.  I’ve taken my kids to one of her concerts before, but we don’t talk very often.”. Paltrow was aware of Swift’s trial which was in question.

Taylor Swift and Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow with The Popstar Taylor Swift

Paltrow even claimed that she felt, “perverted” during the incident. She alleged that Sanderson’s body pressed her back during the accident. The actor cleared everything out by saying that she, in any way, was not accusing the doctor of s*xual assault.

Also read: Gwyneth Paltrow Says Ski-Crash That Injured Retired Optometrist Wasted Her “Very Expensive Vacation”

The trial surfaced all sorts of questions, may it be regarding Swift’s and Paltrow’s friendship or the relevance of her countersuit with that of Swift’s suit.

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Source: AOL

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