Marvel Studios might be looking at a simmering mutiny or maybe not, considering the existing job market. VFX artists have started breaking their silence regarding the entertainment Goliath’s hellish work conditions. Many of these troubled artists claim that they don’t wish to work with Marvel ever again. From unworkable deadlines to immense pressure and subpar unsatisfactory products – the whole lifestyle spells out STRESS. And these artists don’t want that stressful life anymore.

Marvel Studios
VFX artists call Marvel Studios the worst client ever

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VFX artists took to Reddit to share their terrible experience working with Marvel Studios

This discourse sparked off on the subreddit r/VFX. Artists from across the industry nodded in unison as each of them shared their atrocious experiences. There was hardly any user who had anything remotely positive to add to the ongoing discussion. Nothing is worth that stress-ridden way of living, not even the glamour of working with celebs or the money.

A Reddit user, Independent-Ad419 took to a thread titled “I am quite frankly sick and tired of working on Marvel shows”, to share his views on the studios’ approach: “Marvel has probably the worst methodology of production and VFX management out there… They can never fix the look for the show before more than half the allocated time for the show is over. The artists working on Marvel shows are definitely not paid equivalent to the amount of work they put in.”

Another user, samvfx2015 also agreed: “On Thor, they ask for a complete mini-sequence 2 or 3 weeks before the deadline”.

A plethora of similar accounts were shared in the thread. Mickeym00m00 wrote: “I request to not work on [Marvel] movies and TV shows. Unfortunately, they’re becoming our biggest client. They expect a smorgasbord of options so they can change their mind three more times.”

Also Read: She-Hulk: VFX Artists Explains CGI Problems In The Show

The ill-treatment of artists has been going on for a long time

Marvel Studios
Working for Marvel is the “seventh level of hell”

It is also notable that this is not a novelty for Marvel Studios. One could argue that the exceeding work pressure was a result of the expanding universe in Phase 4. But that is not the case, the artists who have been working with the studios for quite some time now claim that it has been this way all along, since the beginning of their tenure there. A Redditor wrote: “I’m on almost three years straight of Marvel. Welcome to the seventh level of hell”. Yet another one shared that their life the whole long time that they have been working for Marvel has been a “black hole of sleep deprivation and eating bad”.

In a separate thread from three months ago, one would find a whole lot more horrendous accounts of the Marvel work experience. This particular grief-sharing discourse started off when a certain VFX artist shared his lament on missing out on an opportunity to work with Marvel. The people who had had the experience were quick to comfort the person, reassuring them that it was actually a blessing.

A user, RANDVR wrote: “I am on my third Marvel project in a row and literally just woke up 5:30 am on a Saturday with stress going ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’… It’s 6 am now and I am making a reel to apply someplace that has projects other than Marvel because I can’t do this anymore.”

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VFX artists claim that the work has messed up their personal lives

Mickeym00m00 shared yet another terrible account alleging how the work has even messed up artists’ personal lives: “Marvel has seen grown men punch walls and throw monitors from stress. I broke down a couple of times and have seen the strain it can put on marriages. But hey the $$ was fantastic. Fuck Marvel as a client, the credit name is not fucking worth it.”
Marvel Studios
A Redditor claims it took them 6 months to recover from WandaVision’s crunch

Raistlinuk was quick to agree with the allegations, writing: “It took me over six months to recover from WandaVision’s crunch. It’s not worth it. Not when there are better-run projects that look just as good out there.”

Twitter is livid at Marvel Studios

All of these accounts make one thing very clear. Change hasn’t come and isn’t likely to come anytime soon as Marvel Studios continues to exploit their VFX artists in even the recent projects.

A VFX artist took to Twitter to address the news of the rising discontent of his fellow artists and sparked another discussion on the social media platform.

With the discontent and accounts of terrible work conditions going viral on the internet, maybe Marvel would pay some heed and try to improve. Only time will tell…

Also Read: ‘Welcome to Seventh Level of Hell’: VFX Artists Trash Marvel Studios for Horrible Working Conditions, Explain MCU’s Atrocious CGI as Compared to DC

Source: The Gamer

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