Jason Aaron, a Marvel Comics writer, recently explained the idea behind giving Jane Foster the same powers as the Mighty Thor in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. Jane Foster finally made a major appearance in the MCU and this time she’s the new Thor.

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Jason Aaron explained the reason why he chose Jane Foster to be worthy

Love and Thunderrrr
Jane Becoming The Mighty Thor in Marvel Comics

Jason Aaron explained that he wanted to put her in the spotlight and not just as a sidekick or love interest to Thor. He said,

“I liked the idea of taking her, someone who had been around for Thor’s history pretty much as long as he had, but for the first time putting her at the center of that world — not as a love interest, not as a sidekick, but as Thor. She was not Lady Thor. She was not an offshoot. She was not second to the main guy. She was the main person. It was her book. It was her corner of the Marvel universe. And it was a huge thrill to get to explore all of that through her eyes.”

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He also explained how the character is different from Thor Odinson

Jane Foster and Thor

He explained how her experience with Mjolnir was different from Thor Odinson’s and how it affected Marvel’s original Thor. He said,

“Once I said, ‘Okay, we’re going to make her Thor. She’s going to be the central character. She’s the Mighty Thor,’ part of that was: How’s her relationship with the hammer different? So it reacts differently when she throws it. She talks to it in a different way. Then when Thor Odinson would come back and see this, it sort of drives the stake even deeper in his heart. He’s looking at the hammer saying, ‘It never did that for me.'”

Fans loved the new character

Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman as Jane Foster in Thor: Love and War

This idea was brilliantly executed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as fans loved Jane Foster’s Thor. Natalie Portman did a great job at portraying the character as she proved worthy of taking on the mantle during her intense run as the God of Thunder.

Source: Screenrant

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