American actress and producer, Jennifer Aniston is internationally known for her role as Rachel Green in the NBC sitcom Friends which lasted for 10 seasons from 1994 to 2004. She had originally auditioned for the role of Monica Geller but had been cast as Rachel Green as Courteney Cox seemed more suitable for Monica’s role.

Friends made Aniston and her female co-stars the highest-paid television actress with their $1 million paychecks for each episode in the final season of the show. This show also got her nominated for the Primetime Emmy Awards five times and twice for the Golden Globe Awards.

Jennifer Aniston Has a History of Forgetting Lines

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston

In a years-old behind-the-scenes feature of the show Friends, Jennifer Aniston‘s Friends co-star Courteney Cox revealed that Aniston was the one who had the most trouble at memorizing lines. “Who flubs the lines the most? Jennifer, I don’t think she’s gotten one right since we started the show. It is like take after take,” Cox had said.

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Another Friends star Matthew Perry agreed with Cox on Aniston being forgetful.  In the feature, shot when the show was still going on, Perry said, “…she’s correct, I’ve never heard her say a smarter thing in her life.” Neither of them was joking when they said that Aniston was the one who forgot lines most frequently if the numerous unscripted scenes caused by the Leprechaun star are anything to go by.

Jennifer Aniston’s Forgetfulness Resulted in Many Unscripted Scenes

The cast of Friends
The cast of Friends

In the Friends’ episode The One after Vegas in the sixth season, the line- “this is the world’s worst hangover” was completely made up on the spot by Aniston. Surprisingly, it made a lot of the audience present at the show’s set laugh so hard that the noise had to be edited out from the episode that was going to be streamed.

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Another one of these unscripted scenes happened in the 16th episode of the 7th season of Friends. This scene, however, was not because Aniston forgetting her lines. It was because David Schummer pranked her by throwing a dummy down the stairs that elicited a very genuine but exaggerated reaction out of The Morning Show actress who wasn’t aware about the scene happening.

Jennifer Aniston Used a Secret Hack to Remember Lines

Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow in Friends
Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow in Friends

A couple of years ago, in an interview on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show, Jennifer Aniston was asked how often Friends was shot with audience on the set. She replied that it was only once a week. Then, she was questioned if she felt panicked about the audience watching them, to which she said that she did.

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Aniston also said that sometimes they were given really long monologues. “There were scribbles all over that set,” she said. She then revealed that said scribbles were a result of writing down the lines on tables so that the stars could sometimes just have a peek at it and deliver the scene smoothly.

Source: TheThings






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