It has been some time now since the Sleepy Hollow actor, Johnny Depp won the defamation trial against Amber Heard after several years of going at each other in court. During the time when the actor was unable to film because of his legal battles for a while and was even relieved of his position as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, it briefly appeared as though Johnny Depp’s career was in jeopardy. However, things are looking better for the actor again now that his name has been cleared up and he has the backing of his fans all around the world. People are ecstatic by the celebrity’s post-trial appearance and can’t wait for him to return to the television. He has started making it back to the headlines but now it is all due to the beloved actor’s positive and quirky side.

Johnny Depp’s dating history

Johnny Depp with Vanessa Paradis
Johnny Depp with Vanessa Paradis

Before things went downhill with Amber Heard, Johnny Depp had been in some pretty major relationships with some iconic names in the Hollywood industry. The Sweeney Todd actor had his first marriage with makeup artist Lori Anne Allison which only lasted for two years after they got together in 1983. The actor then dated the Twin Peaks actor Sherilyn Fenn and was reportedly engaged for a time, the pair split after three-and-a-half years together. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor also dated Jennifer Grey and Winona Ryder before he got together with Vanessa Paradis, with whom he spent 14 years before the pair separated.

Also Read: Amber Heard Fans Try Gathering Support For Her In La Women’s March, Justice Prevails As Johnny Depp Fans Rip Campaign To Shreds

Javier Bardem is the best kisser according to Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp and Javier Bardem
Johnny Depp and Javier Bardem

With all the women that Johnny Depp has dated in his life, it was truly surprising when the actor said that Javier Bardem might be the best kisser he knows. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the actor was asked “Out of all your co-stars, who is the best kisser“. To this Johnny Depp wittingly replied, “Javier Bardem” which gained the attention of the audience and made them burst into laughs. The actor’s quick response to the question makes the fans wonder if he answered it in a humorous manner or really meant what he said.

Also Read: ‘Should Expect The Floodgates To Open Now’: Pr Expert Confirms Amber Heard’s Attempt At Slandering Johnny Depp Was ‘Temporary’, Assures Hollywood Will Kneel To Him

Johnny Depp and his future plans

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor has continued to perform as a musician and is now filming his first post-trial movie, and has also landed a new directorial position following his general victory in the defamation case. He will also play King Louis XV in the movie Jeanne du Barry, which filming began in late July. The actor has also agreed to a fresh seven-figure contract with Dior to return as the fragrance’s face. With the way things are going for the actor, it looks like he will have a bright future.

Also Read: ‘Never Thought She Would Have To Face…her Abuser’: Video Of Camille Vasquez Supporting Amber Heard, Calling Johnny Depp An Abuser Goes Ultra Viral

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