Fans of the DCEU should prepare themselves because James Gunn and Peter Safran are going to start the reboot soon. Leading this mission is Superman, which is promised to bring new life to both Clark Kent and the Man of Steel.

Superman | via James Gunn’s Instagram

Fans are truly dedicated to the superhero, and any portion of the initiative is being watched carefully. James Gunn, the director who took up this challenge, has already had mixed reactions regarding the look of the Superman suit, and now it seems to follow up with the BTS scenes of Clark Kent’s home.

Superman returns farmhouse
The Kent farmhouse in Superman Returns| Credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

Recently, behind-the-scenes images from the Superman set have come up, giving a glimpse of the Kent family farm. This humble place, which embodies an important part of Clark Kent’s childhood and his moral compass, has divided the opinions of the fans.

For some fans, the presence of the Kent Farm is very essential because it serves as a reminder of where the superhero came from and symbolizes the classic American dream where anyone from anywhere can rise to the challenge and become a hero.

Another reason that this backdrop is important is to understand the double life of Clark Kent and the transformative influence of Jonathan and Martha Kent in shaping the man who was to be Superman.

Nonetheless, it might also be a reason for disagreement that establishing the Kent farm as the place of the character’s youth is cliché and brings nothing new to the show. Some viewers do want something new and exciting that will add a different spin to the existing plots that are related to Superman.

James Gunn
James Gunn at San Diego Comic Con International | Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

Among all those opinions, James Gunn stays true to his artistic self, finding influences in various sources of comic book material. One such source is All-Star Superman, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. 

However, Gunn has clarified that DCU is not directly going for the exact storylines of the comic, but the feel and the background are heavily inspired by it. Other than that, Superman will also be inspired by Mark Waid and Alex Ross’ Kingdom Come and Jeph Loeb’s Superman For All Season.

According to Gunn, Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow, Giant Superman Annual, and Action Comics are also expected to influence the storyline of the new Superman and DCU, including the costumes of the superhero. 

As the debate goes on, one thing that is certain is that James Gunn’s Superman is set to be a game changer for the DCU, or at least it is expected to be. The reinvention of the character of Superman will define this superhero yet again and leave its mark on the DCU.

Superman will be released on July 11, 2025, in theaters.

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