Barbie, the blockbuster movie of 2023, has emerged as a resounding success both in terms of critical acclaim and commercial prowess. The film has not only broken records but also captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. With a staggering box office total surpassing the $1.2 billion mark, Barbie has firmly established itself as a cinematic phenomenon.

Margot Robbie in Barbie Movie
Margot Robbie in Barbie Movie

In a surprising turn of events, Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Barbie has inched closer to surpassing one of the most controversial entries in the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. This comparison highlights the extraordinary achievement of Barbie and its enduring popularity. The Last Jedi, for all its polarizing elements, remains a significant benchmark in the Star Wars saga. The fact that Barbie is challenging its position in the annals of cinematic history is a testament to its remarkable impact.

Margot Robbie’s Barbie Nears Victory in the Box Office Race


The summer season has come to a close, and as the calendar flipped past 45 days since its debut, Barbie experienced a somewhat unexpected dip in its performance at the US box office, grossing less than $1 million for the first time. On the 7th Tuesday, which happened to coincide with Labor Day, the film brought in just $900,000. This marked a significant drop, with a staggering -51.1% decrease from the previous Tuesday’s earnings.

Despite this momentary setback, Margot Robbie‘s Barbie has still managed to accumulate an impressive $613.2 million in the US, making it the 12th highest-grossing film of all time domestically. The next milestone in its sights is surpassing Star Wars: The Last Jedi in terms of US box office earnings, which would be a remarkable achievement.

If all goes as planned, Barbie is eyeing a final US run total of $660 million, further solidifying its place in cinematic history. Barbie is not just a financial success; it’s a cultural phenomenon that transcends generations and backgrounds. Greta Gerwig’s interpretation of Barbie takes a deconstructionist approach similar to The Last Jedi, challenging preconceptions of this iconic character and exploring its history and societal impact.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘s Ninth Spot Among Top Grossing Films Ever

Star Wars The Last Jedi
Star Wars The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi stands as a pivotal moment in the history of the iconic franchise, a film that defied expectations and left fans and critics divided in their opinions. Coming off the heels of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a movie that masterfully rekindled the magic of the original trilogy while leaning heavily on nostalgia and familiar plot beats, The Last Jedi took a bold leap into uncharted territory.

From a financial perspective, The Last Jedi continued the Star Wars tradition of box office dominance. It amassed a staggering $620.2 million in the United States and Canada alone, and a colossal $712.5 million in other international markets, culminating in a jaw-dropping global total of $1.333 billion. These numbers firmly secured its place as the highest-grossing film of 2017 and the ninth-highest-grossing film of all time.

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In demythologizing the character of Luke Skywalker, the movie forces us to confront the complexities of the hero’s journey. It peels back the layers to reveal not just the heroics, but also the failures and vulnerabilities that lie beneath. Luke’s internal struggle and his withdrawal from the Jedi order challenge our preconceived notions of him as an infallible legend. This shift is a powerful testament to the humanity that exists within even the most iconic heroes.

The Last Jedi invites us to question the very essence of what Star Wars means. It is a film that embraces change and evolution while acknowledging the enduring love fans have for the galaxy far, far away. It’s a reminder that the franchise can, and perhaps must, continue to evolve and adapt to stay relevant in a cinematic landscape dominated by superheroes and other franchises.

Also Read: Barbie Officially Beats Chris Pratt’s Super Mario Bros. Movie as 2023’s Greatest Blockbuster

Source:  X

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