Eight years after Mark Ruffalo started playing the role of Bruce Banner for Marvel’s The Avengers, it is almost impossible to imagine a better actor for the character of ‘Hulk’ in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actor has had some stunning performances in movies like Zodiac, 13 Going on 30, and The Kids Are All Right.

However, as it turns out, he was apprehensive for the role of Hulk at first. ” I was scared” were his words when asked about the same.

So how did Marvel convince our bulky Hulk? And why was he so skeptical?

The Dumbfounded Hulk


Mark was simply at a loss of words when approached by Marvel (Literally!). As per sources, Marvel did not show Mark the script for the role. This is something that added tremendously to the growing tension in Mark’s subconscious.

According to Mark, saying yes to a role without having a look at the script is “the perfect recipe for disaster”. However, now, he thinks otherwise.

How Badly Can you Yearn For Hulk?

hulk marvel studios top

Luckily for the audience, and Mark as well, one person wanted him so badly in the movie that they breached Marvel’s policy of not handing out scripts before the shoot. Joss Whedon, the American producer, writer, comic book writer and composer, gave Ruffalo roughly twenty pages of the script. This was to be the stepping stone for Mark into the Marvel World.

Hulk Loves The Plot


After going through the short script that was from the scene when Scarlett Johansson, the Black Widow, finds Banner in India, all that Mark could say was “Okay, I love this. This is amazing.”

Iron Man To The Rescue Of Hulk!

Robert Downey Jr. walking along with Mark Ruffalo

Robert Downey Jr. is as heroic in real life as he is in his ‘reel life’. The fellow actor not only uplifted the spirits of our ever anxious Hulk but also convinced him to nod a ‘yes’ for the role.

“Ruffalo, let’s go. We got this.”, said Downey in true Iron Man accent when Mark approached him with his concerns.

When Will Our Green Hero Return?

Mark Ruffalo as Hulk

It’s uncertain when we will be able to see Mark Ruffalo again in the skin of Hulk. Although, he has confirmed that there is a possibility of having Hulk pop up in the She-Hulk.

This new series is still in its synthesis stage for the Disney+ platform but, the scripts have already been completed.

Mark Ruffalo has pitched a new Avengers Hulk Movie, Watch it here :

Source: Mark Ruffalo Admits He Was Scared to Play the Hulk



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