Did you love the original version of Men In Black with J & K? Then you must have been thrilled to hear that the franchise will be coming back with two of the freshest stars of current Hollywood. The Men in Black are back in business again for a new adventure this summer, with the franchise releasing its new movie since 2012. Men in Black: International sees Thor: Ragnarok stars Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth take over the franchise as they replace former leads Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, in a film that sends them to various different parts of the world.

Men In Black official poster
Men In Black official Releases Official Ratings

Fortunately, by the looks of the trailers and the recently- revealed rating, this new installment looks like it will bring the same kind of action, humour and drama that fans of the franchise have come to love.

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What Is The Rating for MIB: International?

On Tuesday, Sony’s latest Men in Black International movie was officially given its rating. There are no surprises here, as the movie was rated PG-13, just like all three installments before it.

Exhibitor Relations tweeted out the reasons for the rating after the announcement had been made. In the tweet it said:

Men In Black: International is rated PG-13: sci-fi, some language, and suggestive material.”

Ever since the release of the first movie, Men in Black(MIB) has been a PG-13 franchise through and through. However, most of the draw and humour for the films came from Will Smith, so Thompson and Hemsworth have some massive shoes to fill. Fortunately, they showed fantastic chemistry in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame, so lining them up together should crack the box office a lot.

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Men in Black: International is directed by F. Gary Gray and is written by the duo of Matt Holloway and Art Marcum.

Men in Black: International is set for release on June 14th.

(Source: and

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