The Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts, Michael Gambon bid goodbye to the world of entertainment on September 28, 2023. He was 82 years old and was down with a bout of Pneumonia. The unfortunate news not only broke the hearts of millions of fans around the world, but even the entire entertainment industry has gone numb after the loss of the talented actor.

Michael Gambon
Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore

Read Also: “You never took it too seriously”: Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Other Harry Potter Actors React to Michael Gambon’s Death

Michael Gambon was widely known for portraying the character of the headmaster of the wizard institution, Hogwarts for over two decades. Not many people know that he was not the initial choice for the legendary character, instead, a reputed face from the X-Men franchise rejected the proposal.

Michael Gambon Became Albus Dumbledore After Ian McKellen Was Insulted By Richard Harris

It is next to impossible to imagine someone else donning the cloak of the wise headmaster of Hogwarts, except for the Irish-English actor Michael Gambon. However, things would have been different if the reputed actor Ian McKellen from the Star Wars franchise had not turned down the proposal for the role.

When actor Richard Harris expired in 2002, the creators of the fantasy series were looking for their Albus Dumbledore. Ian McKellen was the perfect choice for the character as he had already portrayed the character of Gandalf in The Lord Of The Rings. He could have been a part of the Harry Potter series if only he was not insulted by the late actor Richard Harris.

During an interview with BBC’s Hard Talk, the legendary actor addressed the reason why he rejected

“I couldn’t take over the part from an actor who I’d known didn’t approve of me,” 

Michael Gambon
Ian McKellen

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According to Ian McKellen, Richard Harris commented that actors Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, and Ian McKellen, were technically brilliant but passionless. The Star Wars actor felt insulted and went on to turn down the role

The role went to Michael Gambon later and the rest is history as we all know. With his great acting prowess, the late actor went on to become one of the most significant faces of the billion-dollar franchise.

Harry Potter Stars Give A Teary-Eyed Tribute To Albus Dumbledore Star Michael Gambon

The entire family of the Harry Potter franchise mourned the death of one of the beloved actors Michael Gambon. The family of the late actor confirmed the news through a public statement as reported by the media outlet Variety. The statement mentioned-

“We are devastated to announce the loss of Sir Michael Gambon. Beloved husband and father, Michael died peacefully in hospital with his wife Anne and son Fergus at his bedside, following a bout of pneumonia.”

Michael Gambon
Michael Gambon with the Harry Potter cast

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With a great career in both television and movies, the Harry Potter star went on to win multiple accolades too. His passion for acting and theatre helped him continue his stint with movies for a long time. Daniel Radcliffe paid tribute to his talented co-star on social media. The actor went on to post a heartfelt message on Instagram for his headmaster. His post read as

“Very sorry to hear about the passing of Michael Gambon. He was, on and off the camera, a legend.
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”. -Albus Dumbledore”

Michael Gambon
Daniel Radcliffe’s Instagram post

Read Also: Michael Gambon’s Cause of Death: How Much Money Did the Dumbledore Actor Earn For His 6 Harry Potter Movies?

J.K. Rowling took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and paid tribute to the late actor. Her post mentioned-

“I’ve just heard the awful news about Michael Gambon. The first time I ever laid eyes on him was in King Lear, in 1982, and if you’d told me then that brilliant actor would appear in anything I’d written, I’d have thought you were insane. Michael was a wonderful man in additional to being an outstanding actor, and I absolutely loved working with him, not only on Potter but also The Casual Vacancy. My deepest condolences go to Michael’s family and everyone who loved him.”

Read Also: Harry Potter Star Michael Gambon, Best Known for Playing Dumbledore, Passes Away at 82

Jason Isaacs, Rupert Grint, and other renowned faces from the Harry Potter family poured their heart out while reminiscing their time spent with Michael Gambon.

Source: BBC Hard Talk/ Variety/ X/ Instagram

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