Hollywood generally tend to steer clear of making movies with twisted endings. But these movies managed to pull it off. Of all the movies with twisted endings, this is the one list that captures the best of the lot.


David and William standing in a field in Se7en.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=370&dpr=1

David Fincher is known for making movies with twisted endings. His movies generally leave a very unsettling aftertaste in our mouth. Take Fight Club or The Game for example. Both movies gave us a scenario where the audiences watched the lead character make choices so impossible, we couldn’t even believe what was going on after some time. But with Se7en, Fincher hit an absolute home run. In the movie, Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman play two police officers in search of a vicious serial killer. The killer likes to claim his victims based on the biblical seven deadly sins. But not all is as straight-forward as you thought it to be.

Shutter Island

shutter island
Shutter Island

This movie is a perfect example of how Hollywood sometimes manages to blur the lines between reality and fantasy by giving us movies with twisted endings. Shutter Island sees two US Marshalls played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo, travel to a remote island. the island houses an asylum for the criminally insane. DiCaprio is investigating a case of a missing patient. Halfway though the movie, it is revealed a deeper conspiracy is afoot. By the time the movie comes to an end, you do not know whom to believe. Was DiCaprio right to [spoiler alert] sacrifice himself from turning into a monster or could the people of the Asylum have saved him from his own doom?

Jacob’s Ladder

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Jacob’s Ladder

The film – Jacob’s Ladder is one of the greatest ’90s psychological horror movies ever made. Adrian Lyne’s directorial masterpiece sees a a Vietnam war veteran – Tim Robbins, now working as a postal employee. Robbins starts hallucinating monsters, who are out to hurt him. By the time he realizes the actual truth behind those monsters, it might be already too late for him. As far as movies with twisted endings go, nothing tops this one.



In Christopher Nolan‘s Memento, nothing makes sense from the start to the finish. The movie seems like a patchwork of random scenes. At times, it is so confusing we just want to hit the pause button and throw the TV out of the window. But by some weird charisma Guy Pearce emanates, we stick to the end. And boy was it worth it. Memento is about a man who faces acute amnesia every few minutes. Did Guy Pearce’s character actually kill his wife by accidentally giving her too much insulin? The movie points to that conclusion. But the tone of this movie ensures nothing is ever set in stone. Movies with twisted endings are a dime a dozen. In Memento though, audiences are left guessing for clues even after it ends.

The Mist

David watching military arrive after killing his son in The Mist.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=370&dpr=1
The Mist

Say what you will, but this is movie has THE greatest tragic ending of all time. Period. Frank Darabont is perhaps the only director who understands Stephen king’s works. The king of horror novels left an open-ended conclusion in the book. The novel leaves it to the reader to guess whether the father-son duo survived the creatures of the mist. In the movie, Darabont gave a definitive and one of the most iconic Hollywood endings ever to his movie. David, in a moment of haste, decides to kill everyone in the car – including his son, to make sure the creatures of the mist do not torture them to death. A few seconds later, the military arrives in the scene. Had David waited for a few more seconds, his son would have been alive. The Mist tops many such movies with twisted endings because it dares to go where no movie has gone before.


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