An industry as old and glamorous as Hollywood is ever-evolving. Stars come and go and often change people’s lives with their work. One such star is the highly popular actor Nicolas Cage.

Cage has a career spanning over four decades. Winning various accolades including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe and doing over 117 movies, the Kick-Ass star has done a lot of work. At the age of 59, the actor is at a stage in his career where he can retire happily, as many actors in his position do. But shocking many. Nicolas Cage has different plans.

Nicolas Cage on Retiring from Acting

Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage

A vitae as long as versatile as Nicolas Cage‘s comprises some actors’ entire filmography. That’s how experienced he is. Spending the better part of his life working in the entertainment industry and impressing audiences with his craft for so long, it was expected that sooner or later the Ghost Rider star would want to take a step back from the limelight. Many of his fans thought it would be better if he did.

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But shocking his fans, Cage revealed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, that he does not intend to take a step back from acting. In an interview, the Mandy actor mentioned taking some time off, prompting the interviewer to ask if he meant retiring. But Cage quickly clarified that he loves his job too much to retire and plans to never retire.

“No, no, no. No, no. That can’t happen. To do what I do in cinema has been like a guardian angel for me, and I need it. I’m healthier when I’m working, I need a positive place to express my life experience, and filmmaking has given me that. So I’m never going to retire.”

Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage

That’s a lot of commitment to his work. It’s impressive and slightly concerning at the same time.

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Is Nicolas Cage A Workaholic?

Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage

Seeing Cage’s track record of featuring in franchises, TV shows, and multiple movies every year; it is clear that he is devout to his profession. This raises the question of Cage being a workaholic, which the actor says he gets often.

Workaholism is real and a much more prevalent issue than some might think. Cage’s plan to never retire had his fans concerned that he might be going through the same thing. The actor shut down all such speculations, in his interview with Entertainment Weekly saying:

“Where are we now, 117 movies? [Laughs] What’s funny is, my argument with people who go ‘You work too much,’ was ‘I like working, and it’s healthy, I’m happy when I’m working, and by the way, guys like Cagney and Bogart, they were doing hundreds of movies.'”

As long as the star is happy and healthy, no one can complain about Nicolas Cage wanting to do more movies.

Read More: “He’s kind of old at this point”: Keanu Reeves Replaces Nicolas Cage as Marvel’s Ghost Rider in a Stunning Fan-Made Trailer

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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