Tom Cruise’s illustrious career in Hollywood is a testament to his exceptional talent, and he undeniably stands as one of the industry’s most iconic figures. His track record is a dazzling mosaic of cinematic achievements that have left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Yet, hidden within this tapestry of greatness lies a captivating tale centered around Tim Burton’s beloved fantasy gothic masterpiece, Edward Scissorhands.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

In the annals of Hollywood history, Edward Scissorhands remains a beloved classic, and its origins are steeped in intriguing what-ifs. One such fascinating story revolves around the casting choices for the titular character. While Johnny Depp ultimately became synonymous with the enigmatic and endearing Edward Scissorhands, it may come as a surprise to many that Tom Cruise was initially considered for the role.

Tom Cruise’s Near Miss from Becoming Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands

Prestigious roles in the world of cinema are frequently seen as the pinnacle of an actor’s career, highly desired by top-tier performers who aspire to make an enduring impact on the big screen. The process of casting for such roles can be a tumultuous journey. One such iconic character, Edward in Tim Burton’s gothic fantasy masterpiece, Edward Scissorhands, certainly did not escape the chaos of the casting process. At the heart of Edward Scissorhands lies a unique and enigmatic individual, brought to life with brilliance by Johnny Depp.

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However, before Johnny Depp’s name became synonymous with Edward, Tim Burton had an array of A-list actors on his radar. The list included the remarkably versatile Jim Carrey, the universally beloved Tom Hanks, and even the legendary Michael Jackson, whose extraordinary talents transcended the boundaries of music and dance. Each of these actors brought their own allure and charisma to the table, making the casting decision all the more challenging for Burton.

In a star-studded lineup of potential Edwards, Tom Cruise stood out as a top contender due to his undeniable star power and acting prowess. Robert Downey Jr. also showcased his magnetic presence as an actor. The casting directors faced a tough decision as both actors could have portrayed Edward Scissorhands effectively. However, Tom Cruise, who was close to securing the role, unexpectedly withdrew from the project. This rejection paved the way for Johnny Depp to take on the iconic role of Edward.

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Divergence Sparked by Mundane Queries Between Tom Cruise and Edward Scissorhands

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise’s potential journey into the role of Edward Scissorhands took an unexpected and somewhat perplexing turn. Known for his involvement in major film franchises and his unwavering dedication to delivering compelling performances, Cruise’s foray into this particular film proved to be an exception. While Cruise was undoubtedly a prime candidate for the role, his approach to the character’s development took an unconventional route. Rather than embracing the fantastical and otherworldly nature of Edward Scissorhands, Cruise embarked on a quest of endless and often bizarre questions directed at the screenwriter, Caroline Thompson.  Thompson told Dazed,

“Tom Cruise was asking the kind of questions about the character that can’t be asked for this character! Part of the delicacy of the story was not answering questions like, ‘How does he go to the bathroom? How did he live without eating all those years?”

These inquiries left Thompson and the creative team flabbergasted, as Cruise appeared to be misinterpreting the essence of their unique vision for the character. The breaking point in the decision-making process occurred when it became abundantly clear that neither Caroline Thompson nor the film’s visionary director, Tim Burton, were willing to entertain or provide answers to Cruise’s relentless stream of questions.  In the end, Tom Cruise’s departure from the project ultimately paved the way for Johnny Depp to step into the role of Edward Scissorhands.

Also Read: Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible 7 Narrowly Escapes Worst Ever Record in Franchise Despite Rave Reviews With 94% Rating

Source: Dazed

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