• Iron Man had a mentor-mentee relationship with Spider-Man in the MCU, and saved him from danger many times.
  • Tony's care for Peter is evident from the fact that he installed a heater in his suit as seen in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
  • Tony learned from his mistakes of not having a heater in the suit in Iron-Man 3.

One of the most meaningful relationships was the one between Iron Man and Spider-Man. There were numerous hints in the movies that proved that he cared for Peter more than he let on and one of the biggest moments was in a Spider-Man: Homecoming scene. It was a throwback to a vulnerable scene in Iron Man 3.

Marvel superhero Iron Man and Spider Man
A still from Spider-Man: Homecoming | Source: Sony Pictures Releasing

Even as the superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are busy saving the world and its sentient beings from intergalactic threats and any other possible harm, they have meaningful relationships with their fellow superheroes, friends, and family.

Tony Stark’s Care for Peter Parker Went Beyond What Could Be Seen on the Surface

Tony Stark and Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Happy, Tony Stark and Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming | Source: Sony Pictures Releasing

Back during the Infinity Saga of the MCU when Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) was still alive, he mentored Peter Parker (Tom Holland) personally and made sure that he did not get into trouble even as he fought the evil. This was a stark contrast to the arrogant and holier-than-thou persona that he was thought to have.

In the beginning, Tony Stark’s behavior often made people think he was egotistical and selfish. Although he was a genius and billionaire, in the beginning, he often exhibited narcissistic tendencies and little concern for the consequences of his actions.

That said, Tony had one of the greatest character arcs in the MCU as he went from a selfish, egotistical billionaire to a self-sacrificing hero. He also became more responsible as could be seen in the movies in which he made an active effort to not only mentor Peter Parker but also save him from any associated dangers.

One such scene was in Spider-Man: Homecoming when Peter was bravely doing his best to stop Vulture from stealing weapons from a moving truck. After a mishap with Vulture’s wingsuit, Peter falls into the water despite having a parachute and nearly drowns before Iron Man swoops in to save him using a remotely piloted suit.

Tony Stark Learned from His Past Mistakes

Iron Man and Spider-Man in a still from Spider-Man Homecoming
Iron Man and Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming | Source: Sony Pictures Releasing

As Peter expresses his frustration over the situation, he asks Tony how he found him and if there was a tracker in his suit. Tony replied saying that he had put everything in his suit including a heater, which Peter thanked him for. Installing a heater in Peter’s suit also shows that the Stark Industries owner learns from his mistakes.

In the third Iron Man movie, Tony ends up upstate, Rose Hill, Tennesse to be specific. It was snowing there and the suit did not have a heating system of its own. Not to mention that it was out of charge, so Tony had to walk in the cold dragging his suit with him to a place where he could charge it and go back home.

Tony’s genuine care for Peter is also evident when he mentions the Dominican lady who brought him churros after he helped her. It was something that Peter had told Happy in one of his updates and thought that it was irrelevant. This shows that Tony paid attention to what Peter had to say even though it was not told to him directly.

Spider-Man: Homecoming and Iron Man 3 are available for streaming on Disney+.

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