Chris Pratt once won our hearts in Parks and Recreation before he became the handsome lead in Jurassic World. 

The 43-year-old actor, who played the lovable idiot, Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation, was occasionally known to improvise his lines. Pratt is credited with coming up with the show’s best-improvised lines, according to co-creator, Michael Schur.

That is evident from a blooper reel from the fourth season of the show. But despite featuring a particularly hilarious Andy moment, Pratt isn’t most pleased with it.

The actor made one particularly offensive improvised joke about Kim Kardashian and her s*x tape, of which he is ‘not’ particularly proud. During a scene where his co-stars were naming famous people who had made comebacks, Pratt improvised a lewd joke about the mother of four.

Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt

However, later, he thought the joke was “very, very funny,” but then, also felt that it shouldn’t be made public. Thus, he asked that the video not be included in the DVD gag reel for the program.

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When Chris Pratt Delivered One Of The Show’s Best-Improvised Lines 

Amy Poehler, the star of Parks and Recreation, said during the PaleyFest panel for the show in 2012 that the show’s writers are so strong that there isn’t as much improvisation as one might think. The cast did, however, have opportunities to try out some impromptu lines.

According to Michael Schur, Chris Pratt hit comedy gold when he improvised the line about Leslie Knope’s (Poehler) flu symptoms.

“I would also say that every person in the cast has had improvised material in the show… in my opinion… the funniest line ever spoken on our show is improvised by Chris Pratt when Leslie has the flu.”

Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt

Although one of Pratt’s improvised lines would never appear in an episode because it wasn’t quite appropriate for prime-time television. But it is still there on YouTube.

In the scene, Leslie and Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) were talking about a few well-known comebacks, such as those of Seabiscuit, the Mighty Ducks, Robert Downey Jr., and Rocky. Leslie Perkins responded with a somewhat bewildered “well“, to which Andy added the suggestion “Kim Kardashian”.

Well, this is when Pratt cracked the crude joke about the s*x tape of Kim Kardashian.

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He Regretted Making A Joke About Her

While his fellow cast members laughed heartily at the crude joke, Chris Pratt admitted that he felt bad about it. He told GQ in 2015 that he doesn’t usually “make jokes at other people’s expense”.

In fact, Pratt had previously collaborated with the reality star, appearing in a fleeting scene alongside Kim Kardashian in the 2009 film, Deep in the Valley, which he called “not good”.

According to Pratt:

“She’d never really done an acting gig before. She was so f*cking sweet, and she was nervous.”

Years later, when they crossed paths on a plane, he admitted that he had hoped to avoid being noticed because of the joke he had made about her on Parks and Recreation.

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian

As mentioned above, he admitted that the “joke was very, very funny”. So, he requested that it not be featured on a gag reel due to its offensive nature.

“So it’s really kind of a bummer. She probably doesn’t know or doesn’t care, I’m sure, but I don’t like to make jokes at other people’s expense, if I can help it.”

Who would have thought that the chubby and cheery comic star from Parks and Recreation, who liked to pull pranks, would become Marvel’s next action hero?  

Read More: Thor: Love and Thunder Trailer Apparently Made Chris Pratt Homophobic

Source-  GQ

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