Spider-Man: No Way Home raked in a massive $1.9 billion worldwide, which made it the third-highest-grossing superhero movie ever (after Avengers: Endgame and Avengers: Infinity War). But beyond the movie’s special effects and action sequences, it’s a question whether the story’s emotional payoff was satisfying.

A still from Spider-Man: No Way Home
A still from Spider-Man: No Way Home (Credits: Sony Pictures)

Many left wondering if the big sacrifice made by Peter Parker truly mattered in the end. Even though he sacrificed his entire life for the greater good, a fan theory suggests that his sacrifice might not be as complete as we thought!

Is Spider-Man’s Big Sacrifice not Worth it in No Way Home?

In Spider-Man: No Way Home, everyone’s favorite web-slinger (Tom Holland) was in turmoil when a botched spell by Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) opened up the multiverse. It brings up villains from other realities who remember Peter Parker’s secret identity.

Fearing for his loved ones’ safety, Spider-Man asks Doctor Strange to cast another spell. This time, it comes at a huge cost – everyone, including his girlfriend MJ (Zendaya) and best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon), forgets who he is.

A still from Spider-Man: No Way Home
A still from Spider-Man: No Way Home (Credits: Sony Pictures)

He leads a normal life to make sure the multiverse remains stable and villains return to their doomed realities. The movie ends with Spider-Man all alone, but maybe there’s a chance for a happy ending yet?

A Spider-Man fan recently questioned a tiny detail on Reddit, meaning it ruined the movie’s big emotional moment. The movie shows Peter Parker giving his girlfriend MJ pictures of himself as Spider-Man. The fan argues that even if MJ forgets Peter because of a magic spell, she’d still have these photos on her phone – proof she dated the web-slinging hero!

Because of this, the fan thinks Peter’s big sacrifice – giving up his relationship with MJ – feels pointless. They say this tiny phone pic plot point ruins the whole emotional punch of the movie’s ending.

MJ Remembers Peter After All

Spider-Man: No Way Home (Credits: Sony Pictures)
MJ and Peter Parker in Spider-Man: No Way Home (Credits: Sony Pictures)

Sharp viewers noticed a subtle detail in the movie’s final scene. In the last scene, MJ gives Peter a strange look when he leaves her coffee shop. Even the movie’s official script (in PDF) has written, “HOLD ON MJ, watching Peter go off with a lingering sense of… recognition? (via Deadline).

Now, it was up to Marvel and Sony which direction they took it. However, this has left fans speculating: maybe MJ started to remember Peter despite the magic memory wipe.

There’s more to this theory! Before Strange cast the memory-erasing spell, Peter specifically mentioned wanting MJ to remember him. Knowing the weight of Peter’s sacrifice, Strange might have secretly tampered with the spell. It may have created a loophole for MJ only, so she could remember Peter after all.

Watch Spider-Man: No Way Home on Amazon Prime Video!

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