Green Goblin


Best Spider-Man Fights In The MCU, Ranked
Best Spider-Man Fights In The MCU, Ranked

Our favorite Marvel franchise never fails to surprise up. It always comes up with some or the other thing that rows their boat at best.

Who’s A Better Spider-Man Nemesis: Doc Ock vs Green Goblin
Who’s A Better Spider-Man Nemesis: Doc Ock vs Green Goblin

In Spider-Man: No Way Home, the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus were back. Which of these two enemies is Spider-Man’s better nemesis? We know this

How Morbius Makes Way for a Villain Worse Than Green Goblin
How Morbius Makes Way for a Villain Worse Than Green Goblin

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Morbius starring Jared Leto, which is out in theaters now. Morbius sees Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) realizing that saving

Why Matthew McConaughey Should Become MCU’s Next Green Goblin
Why Matthew McConaughey Should Become MCU’s Next Green Goblin

It’s been over eight years since The Amazing Spider-Man II hit theaters and Andrew Garfield’s tenure as Spider-Man came to an end. But it wasn’t

Spider-Man: All Live-Action Villains, Ranked
Spider-Man: All Live-Action Villains, Ranked

Despite existing within three different continuities, and three vastly different interpretations of the Webhead, popularity for Spidey’s greatest rogues can last for years or even

Saddest Villain Origins In MCU
Saddest Villain Origins In MCU

MCU has great superheroes but what makes them great are the villains! Throughout MCU history, audiences have witnessed some amazing villains and all are driven