

Movie Scenes That Were Cut For Being “Too Offensive”
Movie Scenes That Were Cut For Being “Too Offensive”

Bold and daring– two characteristics that define the new-age directors and scriptwriters these days. To make the movies more compelling and relatable, they’re going to

The Best Movies In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked
The Best Movies In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked

Marvel has been around since what seems like ages now. They have created a lot of awesome comics and they have readers all over the

10 Movies That Should Have Deleted Their Opening Scene
10 Movies That Should Have Deleted Their Opening Scene

Since editing is the most important part of the filmmaking process, filmmakers sometimes fail to strike the perfect balance. Each frame of the movie is

Deleted Scene: Rocket Raccoon Mocks The Avengers For Taking Too Long To Defeat [THIS] Army
Deleted Scene: Rocket Raccoon Mocks The Avengers For Taking Too Long To Defeat [THIS] Army

Which is the weakest army in the MCU universe? According to Rocket Racoon the Avengers have faced that army and he feels that they should