The process of distributing movies involves a lot of stakeholders, such as studios, distributors, and streaming services. Warner Bros., Disney, and Netflix are some of the most active names in this field, and all of them have their own approaches as to how to make their films popular and multiply their revenues.

Leslie Grace in Batgirl
Leslie Grace in Batgirl | Credit: DC Films

In recent times, there has been discussion about the decisions made by Warner Bros. to shelve movies like Batgirl and Coyote vs. Acme for tax benefits. At the same time, the examples of Monkey Man and The Bikeriders also show that there are other ways of achieving success.

Netflix and Disney Show Where Warner Bros. Went Wrong

The Bikeriders
The Bikeriders | via Focus Features YouTube

Monkey Man falls under the action thriller genre, and The Bikeriders is an underworld-themed movie that is based on real-life events. Both movies were supposed to be initially distributed by Netflix and Disney, following distribution problems on other platforms. On the other hand, Warner Bros.’ strategic writing off of Batgirl and Coyote vs. Acme became the focus of headlines for various reasons.

Although Warner Bros. had the option of shelving Batgirl as well as Coyote vs. Acme, their decisions were not well received. It generated some doubts about its consequences for its position in the industry and various producer-filmmaker connections.

In the case of Netflix and Disney, the initial selection of Monkey Man for Netflix and The Bikeriders for distribution shows their strategic decisions around third-party pitches. Monkey Man reportedly had some problems with distribution initially, though it was later bought by Netflix for $30 million. Similarly, The Bikeriders was also supposed to be initially distributed by Disney.

However, as reported by Variety, The Bikeriders faced challenges in marketing and distribution after the New Regency and Disney partnership fell apart. This was due to conflicts in the dates for the promotion of the movie and the actors’ schedule issues. Later, the film’s distribution rights for North America were sold to Focus Features, while Universal Pictures International had international distribution rights.

The Bikeriders was released on June 21, 2024, and reportedly had a production budget of $30 million to $40 million, as per Collider. It has grossed approximately $14 million worldwide, and critics and audience reception have been fairly positive on Rotten Tomatoes, with 81% and 73% respectively.

On the other hand, after selecting Monkey Man, Netflix again got rid of the distribution rights during the postproduction stage in July 2023, citing political reasons, according to The Wrap. Later, Monkeypaw Productions by Jordan Peele inspired the movie for theatrical releases through its tie-up with Universal Pictures. The movie was successful and grossed nearly $34.6 million at the box office worldwide (via Box Office Mojo).

Netizens took to social media to express their opinions regarding the sale of distribution rights and the shelving of movies, as done by Netflix, Disney, and Warner Bros.

According to Rolling Stone, WB has shelved Batgirl and Coyote vs. Acme due to the fact that the company wanted to acquire tax shields. At the New York Times’ DealBook conference, Warner Bros. Discovery President David Zaslav mentioned the need for cost-cutting and saving budget (via Deadline).

Should we take certain of these movies and open them in the theater and spend another $30 or $40 million to promote them? And Warner Brothers team and HBO made a number of decisions. They were hard. But when I look at the health of our company today, we needed to make those decisions. 

The studio mentioned the need to cut costs as well as the requirement to reconstruct its lineup of films as reasons for these decisions. 

Experts, as well as influential figures, have condemned Warner Bros., labeling their actions as “predatory“. This writing off of these movies not only caused monetary losses for Warner Bros., but it also damaged the studio’s relations with creators and questioned its commitment to creativity.

Distribution Offers for Coyote vs. Acme and Warner Bros.’ Refusal

Coyote vs. Acme
Coyote vs. Acme | Credit: Warner Bros. Discovery

According to The Wrap, Netflix, Amazon, and Paramount expressed interest in Coyote vs. Acme, but Warner Bros. Discovery turned down the opportunity. This decision was due to the reconsideration of the studio’s release lineup. Moreover, Paramount wanted a theatrical release of the movie, but the negotiations fell short of about $75-$80 million.

Apart from that, Coyote vs. Acme got a good response during its initial screenings. However, none of the studio executives went to see the movie and turned down the deals without seeing the potential of the movie. Warner Bros.’ decision not to partner with Netflix, Amazon, or Paramount despite their interest can be viewed as a lost chance. 

The difference between the outcomes of Warner Bros. and its competitors shows the importance of planning and collaboration in the film industry. Netflix and Disney sold the distribution rights of Monkey Man and The Bikeriders, whereas Warner Bros. decided to completely write off the projects.

The Bikeriders is currently running in theaters and will be available for streaming on Peacock.

Monkey Man is now streaming on Peacock.

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