Amber Heard is looking at what virtually seems like the end of her career. She is plausibly one of the most antagonized personalities in Hollywood right now, so it is not a surprise that no new project would venture to hire her and face the public’s ire. The audiences hold a whole lot of power and they can boycott a film to the ground if they so like.

Amber Heard accused of sleeping her way to the top
Amber Heard is too much of a risk for any upcoming film

Heard’s only impending project, Aquaman 2 has been a big question mark for months. Ever since the wildly publicized defamation trial, different sections of fans have rallied for different kinds of changes in the film’s casting. While some recommended Emilia Clarke or Blake Lively to be a good replacement, some even went on to suggest Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez as a great choice for Mera. Whatever the preference, one thing was clear, fans wanted Amber Heard out of the film. Unfortunately, their wish remains unfulfilled, as reports suggest Heard has slept her way into the DC flick.

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“Hollywood has heard of Amber’s wild orgies”

Among all the ongoing hullabaloo regarding if and to what extent Heard will be a part of the second installment of Aquaman, the latest insider scoop has made shocking revelations. Amber Heard has been a taboo name in Hollywood ever since the defamation suit between her and Depp was televised. The internet scrutinized every aspect of the case and the conclusion was an utterly vilified image of Heard.

But, the latest Pop Topic report has shared an insider report that suggests Heard has been a nuisance since the beginning of her career, long before the debacle with Johnny Depp. The source shared that the actress has slept her way into the industry, ever since her modeling days. And this is the reason that production houses in the past have been unable to cut ties with her even when they wanted to. If rumors are to be believed, Heard employed this tactic yet again to secure her place in the Aquaman series.

Amber Heard reportedly retains her role as Mera in Aquaman 2
Amber Heard reportedly retains her role as Mera in Aquaman 2

The exclusive source said:

“There’s been [a] lot of talk about Amber Heard. The hills have been singing her song since before the divorce drama started, it’s just a different tune now. Anybody who is anybody in Hollywood has heard of Amber’s wild orgies, and sadly that means Depp knew too. He knew, and it was slowly killing him. He didn’t want to confront Heard, he just ran away, went on benders to try and kill his emotions and thoughts with drugs and alcohol. Most big studios began distancing themselves from Amber Heard after the messy divorce simply because they didn’t want to upset Johnny Depp by hiring her. Things, though, changed when she made those allegations against him, the tables surely did turn.

But now, after the trial, and after all the new leaks are coming out about Heard’s past, and even her present, Hollywood [has] had enough. A lot of us were actually pretty shocked when we found out that Amber Heard had been cast as Mera in the Aquaman movies — not because of the Johnny Depp situation but because she’s not a great actress. I would hesitate to even call her b-list. Also, being one of the leads in the film and only banking approximately USD$2 million for the part, that just doesn’t seem right.”

Also Read: ‘A click baiter with absolutely no journalistic integrity’: Dubious Pro Amber Heard Journalist Gets Blasted For Saying Depp Winning Defamation Trial Is A Conspiracy Against Women

Did Amber Heard seduce Aquaman director James Wan to stay in the film?

Amber Heard accused of seducing James Wan to retain her role in Aquaman 2
Amber Heard accused of seducing James Wan to retain her role in Aquaman 2

Another scoop of the same insider’s information suggests that the producers of the DC film attempted to execute a clause in a contract that could have led to Heard’s termination from the project, but it was James Wan who fought to keep Heard as a part of the film. On top of this, Wan even tried to dictate the editing in such a way that would retain all of Heard’s scenes in the film when the producers desperately wanted to limit her screen time to 10 minutes in order to avoid the public wrath as much as possible.

Amidst rumors of Amber Heard being replaced by Emilia Clarke in the role of Mera, even Heard’s fans started rallying on Twitter to keep her in the film. It looks like despite incurring heavy losses and currently possessing a negative net worth, Heard is getting support from all the right places.

Also Read: ‘Why no petitions for Shia LaBeouf, Ezra Miller, Armie Hammer?’: Amber Heard Fans Declare War After ‘Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2’ Petition Crossed Record 4.6M Signatures

Source: Pop Topic

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