Several Hollywood projects were put on pause due to the current Pandemic situation. In fact, many big players in Hollywood, like Disney and Warner Bros., reslated their release schedules.

Thor: Love and Thunder, one of the most anticipated from Disney, was reportedly on hold.

Release Date’s already Changed.


The film was supposed to release on November 5, 2021, before Marvel reshuffled its dates. However, the reschedule pushed back the movie release to February 11, 2022. The film production is currently on pause amid this global health crisis, according to Chris Hemsworth.

On-pause said the Thor.

Hemsworth, aka Thor, recently spoke with Extra over a video chat about his recent Netflix movie Extraction. In the same interview, he hinted that Thor 4 was on hold.

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“Supposed to shoot Thor in a few months, and that’s sort of been put on hold, but that was gonna be in Australia,” said the Extraction star on video. He further added that it’s great to be home and spend time with his kids.

Going to be Huge


The movie casts Chris Hemsworth as our beloved God of Thunder, Natalie Portman as Jane Frost. They had paired up previously for Thor 1 & 2. Also, this upcoming film is directed by Taika Waititi, reprising his roles as director for the movie and as Thor’s mate Korg in the film, after Thor: Ragnarok.

Besides, the film casts Batman star, Christian Bale, in a negative role, and Tessa Thompson is coming back as Valkyrie.

Christian Bale Thor Love and Thunder Character Speculation SR

The plot for the movie remains a secret, but we can expect to see Natalie Portman as mighty Thor in the film. Moreover, several statements made by cast and crew in the past, let us crave for something huge. Also, Hemsworth recently stated that it’s one of the best scripts he has come across in ages.

Sources: ComicBook, Bold

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