Top Gun: Maverick Officially Breaks The $1B Barrier, Leaves Behind Doctor Strange 2 Biting The Dust
At the international box office, Top Gun: Maverick has entered the billion-dollar club. In terms of total Hollywood movies, it ranks as the 50th overall and also the first Tom Cruise movie to reach the landmark.
Due to being rereleased in premium large-format and Imax theatres, Top Gun: Maverick had an increase in attendance during its fifth weekend. More than 16% of Top Gun 2’s fanbase, has seen the movie more than once in a theatre, and 4% have already seen it three times or over.
Maverick Surpassed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse Of Madness

Tom Cruise’s Maverick keeps surpassing bigger box office goals. After recently surpassing the $500 million domestic milestones. The movie also easily defeated Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as the national champion of 2022. The Tom Cruise sequel has now also outperformed it internationally. The most recent achievement is crossing The $1B barrier.
Along with two James Cameron movies, Titanic and Avatar, it is predicted that Top Gun will have either the second or third-largest fifth weekend in domestic box office history.
Story Of Top Gun

The article “Top Guns” by Ehud Yonay for the May 1983 issue of California magazine served as the inspiration for the movie’s plot. It described the lifestyle of Naval pilots. The obstacles they encountered on an organizational and individual level as they endangered their lives every day.
According to Epps, conducting research both on the ground and in the air was essential. The author underwent part of the very same preparation as the pilots did. As part of it, participants had to swim with a full backpack out of a mock helicopter.
Tom Cruise Unlocked Another Level Of Success

What came to the most surprising is this is the first Tom Cruise film to cross the $1B barriers. Looking into the popularity and fame of Tom cruise, this was the most shocking news.
Tom Cruise just can not be happier about Maverick, which is already his greatest movie ever and has joined the billion-dollar club. Tom Cruise in a press thanked the fans by saying “I came here just to say thank you for everything… I know what it takes to do what you do… Thank you for allowing me to have the career I’ve had. I’m going to keep delivering these films for you”. Tom Cruise continued to discuss the value of theatres and vowed to return with much more magnificent productions.