‘Truth is on Your Side’: Amber Heard’s Sister Whitney Henriquez Hints a New Johnny Depp Trial
After Amber Heard dearly lost to Johnny Depp in the recent defamation case, the entire internet went up in arms against her. Incessant trolling by Johnny Depp fans decimated her social and personal life. Johnny Depp won the trial fair and square and against all odds, he came out victorious. The court found Amber heard guilty and ordered her to pay the lion’s share of the compensation. Amber Heard owes Johnny Depp $10.4 Million in terms of legal damages. After the ruckus has settled down a bit, Amber Heard’s sister Whitney Henriquez, who testified in her sister’s favor during the trial, has made some very public, very intriguing comments. Whitney Henriquez’s words has fans convinced a new Johnny depp trial is in the cards.
Amber Heard’s Sister Whitney Henriquez Shows Her Support – ‘I Still Stand With You, Sissy’

Whitney Henriquez, who testified in Amber Heard’s favor during the Johnny depp trial, took to instagram to express her support. She stood right by Amber Heard and claims she will continue doing so.
‘I still stand with you, sissy’

During the trial, Whiney Henriquez took the stand to reveal Johnny Depp was not just abusive towards Amber Heard but also to her. He would repeatedly coz her, according to her, with verbal abuse and hit her sister. Whitney Henriquez testified on court that Johnny Depp hit Amber Heard, called her a ‘whore’. Ultimately, the testimony of Henriquez proved futile since the jury went Johnny Depp’s way and awarded him as the clear victor of the trial.
Amber Heard’s Sister Rekindles #IStandWithAmberHeard Campaign

Whitney Henriquez went on the offensive in her Instagram post. She called out Johnny Depp as the abuser and Amber Heard as the victim. According to Whitney, Amber Heard represents the silent voice of women who have been wronged but refused to speak up until now. Her statement is sure to rake up a whole new controversy. She writes and we quote:
“Yesterday, today and tomorrow I will always be proud of you for standing up for yourself, for testifying both here in Virginia and in the UK, and for being the voice of so many who can’t speak to the things that happen behind closed doors.”
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Her statement were up next to a black square image with the words #IStandWithAmberHeard pasted on it. She adds that Amber Heard was prepared for a loss. her exacts words were:

“We knew that this was going to be an uphill battle and that the cards were stacked against us. But you stood up and spoke out regardless.”
Also Read: Johnny Depp Hired One of His Lawyer’s After Seeing Her on Netflix
Her Instagram post ends with this statement:
“I am so honored to testify for you, and I would do it a million times over because I know what I saw and because the truth is forever on your side.”
Will There Be Another Johnny depp-Amber Heard Trial?

As much as people all over the globe want this thing to end, all clues point to the contrary. Amber Heard’s lawyers had been pretty vocal about the bad negative media coverage. They claimed the cameramen and the social media activists screwed up the case, influencing the jurors. Amber Heard has also stated that she is unable to pay the $10.4 Million compensation she is supposed to pay to Johnny depp after her trial loss. Now Whitney Henriquez has come forth to show sher support and solidarity for Amber Heard.

From the looks of it, the fight between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp is not over. Whitney Henriquez had also pointed out earlier that the truth ‘wasn’t reflected’ by the decision made by the jury that decided the trial. Things may not be looking up for Johnny Depp now as Amber heard challenges the verdict. Could we be seeing a sequel to the Johnny Depp-Amber heard trial?