After four years of dating, Camila Morrone and Leonardo DiCaprio recently called it quits. When the model was 21 years old, the actor began dating her. About two months after Camila Morrone turned 25, the two broke up. As news of their breakup came to light, fans immediately recognized similarities in Leonardo DiCaprio’s past relationships. The actor frequently dates women who are under 25 years old. More than the actor’s most recent breakup, the realization that he has never dated anyone older than 25 is making headlines. The Titanic actor’s ex-girlfriend, Kristen Zang, recently criticized ageist comments being made about him.

Ex-girlfriend Kristen Zang talks about her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio

Kristen Zang and Leonardo DiCaprio
Kristen Zang and Leonardo DiCaprio

From 1995 to 1999, Kristen Zang, a former model, and actress, dated Leonardo DiCaprio. The model never discussed their relationship in public in the past. However, she recently felt compelled to share her perspective after Leonardo DiCaprio’s recent breakup. The former actress told PEOPLE that the two started dating when they were both 21 years old. “Leo and I dated for four years. I met him casually through friends when I was 19 years old and we started dating when we were both 21.” Thinking back to the time, she stated:

We were kids. My friends knew his friends and Hollywood back then was like a big high school. It was, dare I say, an innocent time. We were nerds. Good-looking nerds with glamorous jobs, but still nerds. We went to amusement parks, concerts, museums, and the movies. I was with him when he made Romeo & Juliet, Titanic, and The Beach.”

Kristen Zang stated that the two had some hard times like every couple and then broke up when she was 25. She continued telling the outlet,

We also had some hard times like all couples do, and broke up for a bit in 1997 and then got back together. Then, about 4 months after my 25th birthday (ha, I know what you’re thinking) it was over for good.

The former model then revealed that apparently, it was her that ended their relationship and not Leonardo DiCaprio.

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The former model calls out ‘ageist’ fans and headlines

Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

While addressing PEOPLE, Kristen Zang revealed that she does not think it is correct for fans to make ageist remarks about The Beach actor. The former model said that she does find the memes that have sprung from the breakup amusing. But she does not believe that Camila Morrone had “aged out” for Leonardo DiCaprio.

The actress said,

Now over 20 years later when I read the headlines and online comments with his most recent ex-girlfriend being referred to as having “aged out” or being “too old for Leo at 25,” puh-lease (insert dramatic eye roll). I think we can and should do better. What kind of message is this sending to young people?“.

She pointed out that the ageist comments against the actor are sending a wrong message to the younger generation.

Also Read: ‘Isn’t she 27? What about Leo’s ‘only 25 and under’ rule?’: Leonardo DiCaprio Allegedly Dating Supermodel Gigi Hadid, Fans Troll Leo For Only Being Attracted To Young Blood

Kristen Zang also discusses her current life

Kristen Zang and her husband
Kristen Zang and her husband

The former model then goes on to tell about her current life and although things did not work out with Leonardo DiCaprio, she is happy. She told the outlet that she lives in the countryside of Oregon and is married. The former model stated that she found her true passion at the age of 30 and hence quit acting and modeling. Instead, she followed her passion, dog nutrition, and now owns a locally-sourced dog food company.

Also Read: ‘Leo has been…hanging out with some girls’: After Breaking Up With 25-Year-Old Girlfriend Camilla Morrone, Leonardo DiCaprio Reportedly Looking For A Younger ‘Party Freak’ Girlfriend

Source: Geo News

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