What comes to mind when you hear the name, Albuquerque? We know the answer and it’s the same for us, Breaking Bad. It is official that the city of Albuquerque is about to reveal its first-ever set of municipal statues and it wouldn’t be a hard guess if one was told its purpose is a tourist attraction. The New Mexico city is dedicating the statues to quite easily the two most popular albeit fictitious men hailing from the place: Breaking Bad’s Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.

Breaking Bad
Statues of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad about to be revealed in Albuquerque

Breaking Bad creator, Vince Gilligan and Sony Pictures Television donate the statue to Albuquerque

Vince Gilligan
Breaking Bad creator, Vince Gilligan

The press release shows that the statues were originally commissioned back in 2019 by sculptor Trevor Grove by Vince Gilligan, the series creator. Gilligan and Sony Pictures Television are the ones donating the statues to the city. Gilligan expressed his gratitude towards the city, the actors, the production house, and the sculptor alike.

“Over the course of fifteen years, two TV shows and one movie, Albuquerque has been wonderful to us.  I wanted to return the favor and give something back. These larger-than-life bronzes of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman exist thanks to the generosity of Sony Pictures Television and the artistry of sculptor Trevor Grove, and I love them. It makes me happy to picture them gracing The Duke City for decades to come, attracting busloads of tourists.”

Also Read: Breaking Bad: 10 Hilarious Walter White Memes!

The Breaking Bad fandom has been significant in Albuquerque’s tourism

Breaking Bad
The Albuquerque desert arena as depicted in Breaking Bad

Taking up the point of tourism revenue, it is true that despite having originally aired over a decade ago, Breaking Bad has been and continues to be instrumental in driving tourists, especially the loyal fandom to the city of Albuquerque. We can all agree that it is not because of the city’s natural beauty or torrid desert scapes, but a similar sheer curiosity that drives one to go and breathe the air of Scranton, a mediocre town with no particular redeeming quality, tourism-wise.

Also Read: ‘The door is always open’: AMC Wants Vince Gilligan to Expand Breaking Bad Universe After Better Call Saul

“Protected from pigeons depositing their critiques on our heads”- Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul

The statues would be put on display in the Albuquerque Convention Center, following the reveal on 29th July. The VIP guest list at the unveiling ceremony includes Mayor Keller, Gilligan, executive producer, and Better Call Saul co-creator Peter Gould, and Emmy Award-winning actors Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul.

The actors and honorees of the statues, who also own a liquor brand in partnership, couldn’t help but joke:

“We also appreciate that the statues will be indoors, and therefore protected from pigeons depositing their critiques on our heads.”

Fans across Twitter ask “Why?”

The statues are a means to attract tourism but all said and done, it is still a glorification with questionable principles. Fans across Twitter were quick to raise the right questions. From some raising the argument that how morally susceptible is it to glorify criminals in a city already crawling with crime to some pointing out how Walter White was actually the bad guy, nothing to be idolized, Twitter saw it all.

A Twitter user even pointed out that funds meted out for the erection of statues that wouldn’t have any pragmatic use for society should instead have been used to help the homeless population.

The Breaking Bad prequel, Better Call Saul, has begun airing its final six episodes. It has been confirmed that the meth cooks, Walter White and Jesse Pinkman will make cameos as the finale draws closer.

Also Read: How Better Call Saul Is Tarnishing Breaking Bad’s Legacy

Source: IGN

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