The high-profile Hollywood couple Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have found themselves in an unwelcome spotlight lately. Rumors have emerged alleging that Will Smith had an intimate relationship with his former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air co-star Duane Martin. Both Will and Jada have strongly denied these claims, labeling them as completely false and fabricated.

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith shut down the allegations 

Will Smith
Will Smith in Focus

Pinkett Smith, in particular, has labeled these accusations as “ridiculous” and “nonsense.” These claims, put forth by an individual named Brother Bilal, have been dismissed by the couple as baseless and malicious.

“It’s one thing to have your opinion about somebody versus just making up salacious, malicious stories. So, that’s actionable. So we gonna roll with that,” Pinkett Smith said.

Also Read: “It’s nonsense”: Jada Pinkett Smith Supports Will Smith After Duane Martin Rumors, Threatens Legal Action Against After Brother Bilaal’s Claims

The Smiths are not only confronting these allegations head-on but are also planning to pursue legal action. Pinkett Smith elaborated that the claims stem from a “money shakedown” attempt by Bilal, who purported to have been involved in business around Will Smith’s book.

will smith and jada pinkett smith in ali
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith in Ali

“Will was willing to give him a certain amount, and he didn’t take it. So, this whole situation is based on that,” she explained.

This stance is further reinforced by Will Smith, who, through his representative, told PEOPLE that the claims are “completely fabricated” and “unequivocally false.”

Also Read: “We suing”: Jada Smith Threatens Legal War Over Will Smith-Duane Martin S*xual Relationship Allegations

Will and Jada Smith laughed at the rumours 

Will Smith
Will Smith in Focus

Despite the gravity of the situation, Pinkett Smith revealed that she and her husband shared a laugh over these absurd claims. The King Richard star, known for his ability to find humor even in challenging times, is coping with the situation with a blend of humor and resilience.

“You have to because it’s absolutely ridiculous, you know what I’m saying? You just gotta laugh about it. It’s unfortunate,” she said. 

The Smiths seem determined to confront the damaging allegations head-on, employing legal action and not letting it affect their personal lives.

Also Read: Jada Pinkett Smith Responded to Rumors That Her Husband Will Smith is Gay

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