The Marvel movies are full of superheroes, big fights, and complicated relationships. But if you look closely, there are lots of hidden clues and secrets that only true fans notice. A theory claimed that Captain America was aware of Bucky Barnes’ involvement in the deaths of Tony Stark’s parents even before it was revealed in Captain America: Civil War.

Tony Stark in Iron Man 3
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Iron Man 3 (Credits: Paramount Pictures)

According to this theory, Captain America knew about Bucky Barnes’ part in Tony Stark’s parents’ deaths back when the Avengers were fighting Ultron. It believes Cap kept it secret from Iron Man until they clashed in Civil War, where he finally came clean.

Captain America Had Already Deceived Iron Man in Age of Ultron

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in The Avengers (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in The Avengers (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

In Age of Ultron, Scarlet Witch (played by Elizabeth Olsen) uses her power to manipulate Iron Man’s (played by Robert Downey Jr.) mind, making him see terrifying visions. One of these visions is a nightmare where his parents, Howard and Maria Stark, are in a severe car accident.

The movie doesn’t explicitly say that Bucky Barnes, aka Winter Soldier (played by Sebastian Stan), was involved, but his actions deeply affect Tony. Later, in Captain America: Civil War, it’s revealed that Bucky, manipulated by HYDRA, caused the tragic event: the deaths of Tony Stark’s parents.

Here is where the theory (via Reddit) takes root. It states that during the scene where Tony finds that Bucky killed his parents, Captain America (played by Chris Evans) stays quiet instead of comforting him. His subdued response hints that he might already know Bucky was involved in this since Age of Ultron.

Why Didn’t Captain America Reveal the Truth to Tony Stark Sooner?

Captain America and Bucky Barnes in Captain America: Civil War (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Captain America and Bucky Barnes in Captain America: Civil War (Credits: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

The theory becomes stronger when you think about Captain America sticking up for Bucky Barnes all through Civil War. Even with more and more proof coming out against Bucky, Cap keeps choosing to protect his friend.

It means his strong bond with Bucky might have led him to keep the truth hidden. While this idea is interesting, it’s good to consider other points of view as well. Captain America could have felt guilty for not stopping Bucky sooner and didn’t know how to tell Tony about it.

Or maybe Cap didn’t react much in Age of Ultron because he was surprised to see Tony vulnerable. He has always focused on protecting others’ feelings in the MCU. So, Captain America’s quietness might be his way of trying to keep Tony from feeling the full impact right away.

Watch Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War on Disney+!

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