Living a glamorous life can take a toll on celebs too. While we feel everything is all lovely in their lives, it is not always so. Over these years, many of our favorite celebs have gotten arrested.

The charges for their arrest include offenses like drugs, alcohol, and many more serious offenses. Some definitely learned their lesson and became better humans. Let’s take a look at which celebs have had to face the time behind the bars

1. Justin Bieber

Celebs who got arrested
Mugshot pictures of Justin Bieber

The singer was apparently arrested for drag racing and he was driving under the influence in Miami. Upon being caught, he admitted to the police that he had been smoking marijuana for which he had a prescription. He was later charged with DUI, driving without a valid driver’s license, and even resisting the arrest. Justin Bieber had to spend 24 hours in jail.

2. Robert Downey Jr.

Celebs who got arrested
Life was hard for Robert Downey JR. before he got his fame from Iron Man

This is not a surprising entry as we know about his past. Back in 1996, he was pulled over for speeding but ended up getting arrested. His charges were that he was not only driving under influence but also had a gun, heroin, crack, and cocaine in his car. He ended up spending time in rehab and jail. However, he also violated parole and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.

But this didn’t end for him. In 1999, he missed one of his drug tests which were ordered by the court. As a result, he was sentenced to a 3-year stint at the  California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison. We are so proud of RDJ for coming over all his bad times. We love him.

3. Lindsay Lohan

Celebs who got arrested
Lindsay Lohan’s various mug shots from 2007 to 2013

She used to be everyone’s favorite child actress thanks to her wonderful acting in The Parent Trap. She even blew us away with her performance in Mean Girls. But over the years she has been arrested for so many offenses like Drug possession, theft, and even driving under the influence. Back in 2007, she was jailed for the first time but it was just for one day. In 2011 too, she spent 30 days in jail for violating probation in a Necklace theft case and DUI.

4. Charlie Sheen

Celebs who spent time in Jail
Charlie Sheen had gotten arrested in 2009

It was an unfortunate Christmas for the actor back in 2009. Charlie Sheen was arrested after his argument with his then-wife Brooke Mueller. He was booked under second-degree assault, menacing, criminal mischief in an Aspel Jail. The Two and a Half Men actor pled guilty to misdemeanor third-degree assault and was allowed to serve his jail term (30 days) at a rehab center in California.

5. Nicolas Cage

Celebs who got arrested
Nicolas Cage’s Mugshot which was released in the news

Back in 2011, Nicolas Cage was intoxicated and was arguing with his wife very early in the morning in New Orleans. As per the reports, he taunted the police and was arrested and they charged him not only with disturbing the police but also with domestic abuse.

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