Bella Hadid apart from stealing glances with her modeling career also tends to be an occasional activist. Being vocal with her opinions in times of need, the model is often supported by her sister Gigi Hadid. Previously speaking up against atrocities, war crimes, and lack of women’s rights, the 26-year-old condemned corruption and injustice. 

Bella Hadid
Bella Hadid speaks against violence

Recently, with the ongoing airstrikes launched by Israel against Lebanon and Gaza, Bella Hadid expressed her opinion through her Instagram. Posting a story, Hadid condemned the devastating airstrikes and the growing aggression of Israel. Emphasizing on the month of Ramadan, Hadid claimed to be disgusted with the brutality. 

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Bella Hadid Condemns Israel’s Airstrikes On Gaza 

Gaza City is on fire after Israel launched a devastating airstrike on consecutive nights earlier this week. The attack reportedly started after Lebanon fired rockets into Israeli territory. With the rising tension, Israel, therefore, launched an air attack on Lebanon and Gaza belonging to Palestinian militant group Hamas.

Israel war
Israel launched air attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

Addressing the aftermath of Israel’s attack, the Prime Minister of the Gaza Strip stated, the counterattack shall “extract a heavy price from our enemies”. Therefore striking back with anti-ballistic missiles and rockets, Gaza triggered sirens in Israeli towns and cities.  

Bella Hadid
Bella Hadid shares an Instagram story

Throwing light on the atrocities of the people living on each side of the border, American model Bella Hadid shared an Instagram story. Condemning the Israeli attack on Gaza, especially during the month of Ramadan, Hadid mentioned being disgusted.

Bella Hadid
Bella Hadid condemns Israel’s air attacks

Posting screenshots of the news, Hadid wrote, “Do you guys even know how small Gaza is? This happens more times than not. Disappointing and disgusting.” Taking to Instagram, addressing the violence, Hadid shared news reports of Israel’s aggression. 

Also read: “I Know How It Will Affect Me At 3 In The Morning”: After Never Ending Pain, Bella Hadid Is Glad That She Made A Huge Lifestyle Change

Bella Hadid Has Been A Vocal Activist 

Bella Hadid is known for being vocal about her opinion. Being unbothered by whether the matter is political or purely human, Hadid often expresses her honest opinions. Previously, the model along with his sister Gigi Hadid spoke against the atrocities in Jerusalem. Yet again condemning Israel’s intensive aerial exchange from 2021, the Hadid sisters took to social media and called out the injustice. 

Bella Hadid
Bella Hadid with Gigi Hadid

Speaking up against the Israel-Palestine war in 2021, Bella Hadid penned, “Future generations will look back in disbelief and wonder how we allowed the Palestinian suffering to continue for so long.” Being unapologetically vocal, the model wrote further, “History has taught us to speak up. You are either on the right side or you are not. It’s that simple.” In another post, Hadid stated, “I stand with my Palestinian brothers and sisters, I will protect and support you as best as I can. I LOVE you.” 

Bella Hadid
Bella Hadid stands with Palestine

While previously condemning Israel’s attack on Palestine, Bella Hadid was accused of anti-Semitism, yet the model didn’t back down. Yet again furious with Israel’s airstrikes, Hadid expresses her vocal support for Gaza and Lebanon. 

Read more: “Protect Kids Not Guns”: Gigi Hadid Requests Her Fans To Stop Electing “Pro-Gun Politicians”

Source: Instagram, Tribune

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