Nicole Kidman wasn’t kidding when she said, the divorce helped her grow up. Tom Cruise and her got married in 1990 and remained a couple till 2001. The two were madly in love but decided to part ways one fine day, keeping the reason undisclosed. Later in many instances, the two were pestered repeatedly by the media to reveal all the hot gossip, but both individuals handled everything with grace. They never spoke ill of each other, at least not in public.

In a 2018 interview with Vanity Fair, Kidman got candid like never before. She shared her insights and thoughts which were kept hidden for many years. She was glad, they got divorced.

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

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Nicole Kidman needed to grow up

Despite being in the public eye constantly, the couple Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise managed to keep their business private. The pair divorced each other 11 years after being married. Kidman has now admitted to and revealed a lot of things from their decade-long matrimony. She told Vanity Fair,

“I was so young. And you know, with no disrespect to what I had with Tom, I’ve met my great love now. And I really did not know if that was going to happen.”

Kidman was only 23 when she got married to the Mission Impossible star who was 28. They got married young, and she now feels blessed for doing so as she claims that the title of being Tom Cruise’s wife shielded her from a lot of things. She then further added,

“I wanted it, but I didn’t want it for a while, because I didn’t want to jump from one relationship to another. I had a lot of time alone, which was really, really good, because I was a child, really, when I got married. And I needed to grow up.”

Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman

Kidman admitted she sort of needed that be her own person. Speaking on the subject of MeToo, she added,

 ” Of course I’ve had MeToo moments – since I was little! But do I want to expose them in an article? No. Do they come out in my work? Absolutely.—I would work, but I was still very much cocooned. So when I came out of it [divorce] at 32, 33, it’s almost like I had to grow up.”

Some time and a lot of deliberation proved to be good for her and she is grateful for the things in her life and wouldn’t change anything even for a bit.

Also Read: “He’ll Be The Only Guy There”: Nicole Kidman Praised Tom Cruise’s Fatherhood Skills That Later Resulted In Their Children Choosing $600M Star Over Her

Nicole Kidman on her divorce from Tom Cruise

Kidman further elaborated on their divorce and shared some of her experiences while she was going through the process. She revealed she was working on The Hours, as Virginia Woolf while going through the divorce. Her character helped her a lot get through the sorrow she was experiencing. The actress said,

“Walking into the river with those stones in my pockets – I chose life—At the time, I was at a low point, and by playing her, it put me into a place of appreciating life.”

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

She then discussed the attention that “it” couples in Hollywood get, which majority of the time is the sole reason for all the break-ups. She said,

“There is something about that sort of existence that, if you really focus on each other and you’re in that bubble, it’s very intoxicating, because it’s just the two of you. And there is only one other person that’s going through it. So it brings you very close, and it’s deeply romantic. I’m sure Brad and Angelina have that – because there’s nobody else that understands it except that person who’s sleeping right next to you.”

The attention that celebrities garner can sometimes be overwhelming, and therefore, gets very difficult to keep their private life private without being tracked and traced. She is now happily married to the country music singer Keith Urban.

Also Read: “It’s Not Going To Destroy Me”: Nicole Kidman Wasn’t Bothered By Tom Cruise Adopting Kids Despite Rumors Of $600M Actor Being Gay In His Secretive Life

Source: Vanity Fair

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