MCU Characters Who Could Appear In The Secret Invasion Series
Ever since Marvel‘s announcement made it to the news, fans cannot keep their calm. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and also compelled the entertainment industry to take the back seat in their ride. But Marvel Studios is catching up pretty fast. It has now made an exciting new announcement about the series that are coming up with Disney +, one of which is The Secret Invasion and is based on Marvel comics.
The series is a sequel to Spider-man: Far from home and Captain Marvel and is set to start its filming in April 2021. Kevin Feige, in an interview in January 2021, revealed that the first season of the series will consist of six episodes and will cast Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Ben Mendelsohn as Talos. The series is also going to bring out some old and some new heroes in the main picture. Let’s take a look at these interesting faces:

1. Soren
Talos and his wife were first introduced in the movie Captain Marvel where she unites them after a long war. Soren is Talo’s wife and was last seen as posing Maria Hill in Spider-man: Far From Home. Viewers saw her exquisite chemistry with her husband and therefore seems plausible to appear in this series. Her shapeshifting abilities would come in handy in completing the missions.

2. Captain Mar-Vell
Carol is the most glowing and possess the supreme-st powers among all the other Avengers. We all last saw her in Avengers: Endgame, at Tony Stark’s funeral (I know we are still recovering from this, so let’s not go deeper into it). In the movie Captain Marvel, she had developed a friendly bond with Skrull Talos and his family. So we might see her fighting the Skrulls alongside Talos.

3. Veranke
At the end of Captain Marvel, there were more than just two (Talos and his wife) Skrulls in her laboratory. Veranke is one of them and is believed to be the daughter of Talos. The MCU has not introduced her before, and this will be her debut in the MCU, though the comic book readers will recall her as the Skrull Empress.

4. Monica Rambeau
Monica Rambeau has been introduced as a little kid in Captain Marvel and has recently come to the big screen in WandaVision‘s sitcom world. WandaVision presented her as the Head of SWORD in the series. Although there is no development in her character yet in the MCU, her comic books’ character is very adept. She gets her superpowers and is known as Spectrum. SWORD and Monica are both suspected to be in this new upcoming series.

5. KI’Rt: The Super Skrull
In the Marvel comic universe, KI’Rt is known as the Super Skrull. He is mighty and is possibly the strongest of them all. Like other Skrulls, he not only possesses the shapeshifting quality but also can mimic the superpowers of the superheroes. He can acquire Mr. Fantastic‘s elasticity or Sue Storm’s invisibility, or the Hulk’s powers if he has to. This power makes him one of the dangerous villains and nearly impossible to defeat. This will leave the readers wondering who will be able to put up a fight against him and beat him. Will it be Captain Marvel or Monica or someone else? Guess all we can do is wait, as of now!