Released in 1995, Toy Story revolutionized animated movies, and since then, Pixar has become the gold standard of animated films. Due to its groundbreaking CGI, it created believable and realistic environments that told the stories of emotionally relatable characters that were equally enjoyed by adults and kids. The Toy Story franchise consistently delivered outstanding sequels, with Toy Stories 2, 3, and 4 turning out to be the best after all. And now rumors are circulating that there could be another addition- Toy Story 5. Meanwhile, fans are confused about how this could even be possible.

Disney Announced Toy Story 5 leaving the fans puzzled

Toy story
Toy Story

Many fans believe that Toy Story 4 has given a perfect ending to the series, where we see Woody leaving Bonnie and Buzz to embark on this new adventure with Bo Peep, realizing his worth is more than just a toy for someone else. It was in February that the Disney studio announced the reboot of the potential follow-up to a popular story, but apparently, many fans came out with criticism, nearly begging Disney to leave the beloved franchise alone.

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Although fans thought that Toy Story was done with its fourth movie, Tom Hanks and Tim Allen’s recent meeting raised rumors about the possibility of a potential sequel. On the other hand, many of them are so intrigued by Woody and Buzz’s future reunion that they are eagerly awaiting what lies ahead.

Though Toy Story 3 and 4 had multiple great endings, leaving the fans in tears, it is quite exciting to see what is planned for Toy Story 5. Even though some fans appreciate the exciting closure, they remain confused about how the Toy Story 5 sequel might bring the desired narrative, maintaining the quality of its predecessors.

Fans speculate Andy’s and Woody’s return in Toy Story 5

Prior to the arrival of the fifth installment, fans are sharing their potential storylines and imagining future adventures for the franchise’s signature toys. As we know, Woody has left his friends for Bo Peep in search of new adventures to help other toys find their owners, there are several interesting ways in which the film could pull off the comeback of the iconic character.

Bo peep and Woody
Toy Story 4 ending, where Bo-peep and Woody leaving other toys

While the departure of these friends, Woody and Buzz, created a heartbreaking scenario in the franchise, Pixar can compensate in Toy Story 5 in a way that Buzz could become a lost toy and Woody who dedicated his life to finding other lost toys would find Buzz. Having a toy story of Woody uniting with Buzz and the rest of Bonnie’s toys would be the perfect concept for the follow-up, and that’s what most fans are looking forward to.

Another plot point suggestion is to bring back Andy. It was his poignant decision of Andy to give his toys to Bonnie in Toy Story 3 that created an emotional climax to the movie, symbolizing his transition into adulthood. So the next storyline will bring the series full circle as Andy meets his old companions and passes down his toys to his next generation, creating a heartwarming comic moment.

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Some differ in Toy Story 5 citing the emotional impact

At the same time, many of them shared their dissatisfaction with the announcement of the sequel, saying “The toys had been through enough”.

Andy , Woody and Buzz
Andy leaves Buzz and Woody for Bonnie


They argued that the toys had already experienced their journey and deserved a well-deserved rest. Some fans even expressed concerns that a new storyline might dilute the emotional impact of Andy’s farewell in Toy Story 3. It is to be noted that not all stories have a happy ending, but some have emotional and bittersweet endings that make the narrative more impactful and real. Toy Stories was quite successful in striking intense emotion in fans, as were all its movies and fans are concerned about whether the upcoming follow-up will hold a candle to the standards of its predecessor.

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Source: X

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