The Future Of Fantastic Four And X-Men In The MCU Is Somewhat Like Spider-Man
As the Marvel Cinematic Universe seemed to grow, the quality of Fox’s X-Men and Fantastic Four movies seemed to go down the drains. There was also a lot of fan lament that these characters couldn’t be used by Marvel in its live action movies as they were owned by 20th century Fox. But that has all changed with Disney’s acquisition of Fox, thus making it only a matter of time till those previously off-limits characters get incorporated into the series in some capacity.
There have been speculation regarding how it might happen and some audience members were even expecting a cameo from the Fantastic 4 or X-Men in Avengers: Endgame. While that wasn’t possible because the acquisition wasn’t final at the time of filming the movie, but that doesn’t mean that Feige and his writers don’t toy with such ideas as well.
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The Fantastic Four and X-Men In The MCU
Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has recently confirmed that while discussions have been going on for years, it will all come down to the stories the Studios want to tell.

Kevin Feige said to Fandango that:
“It’s still early days, but it’s been a fun exercise, and it’s one, by the way, that we’ve been doing for years. Every development meeting starts with cool ideas and fun ideas, and our wheels are always turning in terms of What If…to use a Marvel publishing term. What if we did this? What if we did that? What if we had access to such and such characters? That’s how Spider-Man: Homecoming came together in the first place, and it’s fun to now be in this position with the Fox characters, too, because if we come up with a great ‘What If’ we can actually do it.”

Once upon a time in the near past, fans didn’t expect to see Spider-Man join the MCU as well since Sony held the rights to the character. But he made his debut in Captain America: Civil War and it spiralled from there. Feige noted that the Fox characters could transition into the MCU in such similar way. Feige said that:
“Oftentimes it just comes down to a specific character in a specific story and a specific way to introduce them. So sometimes, like with Spider-Man and Black Panther, that made sense. Then other times, with characters like Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Thor, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man…it’s fun to introduce them in their own movies first. So it just depends in the story we’re trying to tell.”
Feige didn’t offer hints as to what fans could expect regarding the future of these characters in the MCU but he did express relief at having access to the new characters.
Avengers: Endgame is in theatres now with a re-release planned for next week. Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theatres on July 2nd.
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