Yoda is an inevitable part of the Star Wars franchise. The small-sized, powerful Jedi master has been the face of the billion-dollar franchise for decades. Recently, the statue of Master Yoda was replaced by the statue of The Mandalorian’s Grogu, at Lucasfilm’s building in Singapore.


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After the pictures from the Lucasfilm building in Singapore went viral, the news went on to spread like wildfire on the internet. The Star Wars fans have expressed their anger and discontentment over the move of the franchise on social media.

Fans React After Lucasfilm Building In Singapore Replaces Yoda’s Statue With Grogu

As reported by the media outlet Geek Culture, recently the statue of Yoda has been replaced by Grogu at the Lucasfilm building in Singapore. According to the viral images of the replaced statue,  the Mandalorian apprentice is seen reaching out with the Force like an innocent heir to the Jedi Master.

Statue of Grogu at the Lucasfilms building in Singapore

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Star Wars fans took to their social media and reacted to the viral images of the replaced statue. As per the images shared by the entertainment outlet Geek Culture, the replacement of the statue speaks volumes about the future of the reputed sci-fi franchise in the world of entertainment.


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According to a fan’s reaction on X previously known as Twitter, replacing the statue with Grogu’s replica was a clear injustice to the famous Jedi Master.

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As per a reaction by a die-hard Star Wars fan Jedi Master Yoda did not deserve this.

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A Fan even labeled Yoda as GOAT!

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A Star Wars fan even called this entire act atrocious.

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A fan mentioned that an era had come to an end.

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A Star Wars fan even suggested that instead of replacing Yoda’s statue they should have added the statue of Grogu beside him.

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It has been more than three years since Grogu was introduced to the Star Wars Cinematic Universe. He instantly rose to fame as a hero and an innocent icon. From being the bounty of Din Djarin portrayed by Pedro Pascal to Mandalorian apprentice- the character of Grogu has developed paving a path for him in the Star Wars franchise. After the statue of Yoda has been replaced by Grogu’s statue in the Lucasfilm building in Singapore, it is quite evident that Baby Yoda is here for a long run in the franchise.

Is Grogu The Future Of Star Wars?

The replacement of the statue of Yoda from the Lucasfilm building in Singapore has given birth to speculation about the future of the sci-fi franchise. According to the fans the change is not at all a surprise for them as from the origin of Grogu to his association with Din Djarin it has been speculated that he is significant with respect to the future of Star Wars.


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Besides the fact that Grogu is quite young and has multiple years in the galaxy which indicates a strong character development in the franchise. According to the speculations around the character development of Grogu, the Mandalorian apprentice has a lot to add to the Star Wars franchise. He has the potential to bring the Mandalorians and the Jedis together. Grogu’s bond with Din Djarin in the franchise is one of the biggest draws of The Mandalorian.


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