Why Wanda Deserves A Solo MCU Movie
Marvel Comics has really amazing storylines which makes it easy for MCU to give a solo movie to one of the most powerful Avengers and a woman in the current MCU aka Wanda Maximoff. When she made he debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron, not many fans really liked her and comic fans felt she deserved her solo movie so that we can know her better.
But then with WandaVision, we got a much better look at the character and everyone felt that she deserved a movie of her own! She is going to rock in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we are sure about that, but since Olsen has possibly signed a seven-year extension contract with MCU, fans are demanding to see her in a standalone film!
1. Wanda is a Complex Yet Strong Character

She wasn’t always a hero and has had been a problem for Avengers but it has been the best of intentions. It has been because of her powers too that she wasn’t able to control them which is why sometimes even regarded as the villain in MCU. We mean she literally tortures an entire town because she was upset. but she did realize her mistake. We have seen her powers to a limit and will be seeing more of them soon when Multiverse of Madness hits the theatres.
2. She Has Been In MCU for Seven Years!

She appeared first in 2015’s Age of Ultron and we saw her in Avenger installments. But what really kicked off her fanbase was seeing her in WandaVision. Fans and critics fell in love with her and we finally saw Wanda become the Scarlet Witch it was literally one of the best moments in MCU. With her new contract signing, we can hope for a movie, but would she ultimately come off as a hero or a villain?
3. Scarlet Witch Has a Huge Fanbase

Wanda has become of the most popular heroes of MCU. Her character, her choices, her powers, and her abilities all make her amazing. And plus she is not just a hero, right? She is both, a hero and a villain. Seeing her in the WandaVision finale was just hear touching for everyone! Seeing her bye to Vision and her kids was too much. We know she went all mad too but then if we remember the post-credit scenes, her kids are back? What will remain to her character, is going to stay a mystery for some time now.
4. A Lot of Comic Options Like House of M and others!

Comic fans are aware of how powerful Wanda is. Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters in Marvel Comics and if she misuses her powers, she is cast as a villain. It’s literally a treasure of comics when it comes to her character. MCU can use these characters to develop her character and maybe give us a more comic-appropriate story. House of M is about her suffering a mental breakdown and bending reality to get her children back. And we saw this in WandaVision to an extent. Maybe a movie could do wonders which connected WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness.
5. A movie that could lead to Agatha House of Harkness

Kathryn’s portrayal of Agatha Harkness deserves a special mention and was hands down one of the best performances of the series. Fans had guessed it since the start that she would be “Agatha All Along” and they were right! Well, Agatha is getting her much-deserved spinoff and we don’t know if Wanda would make an appearance. But now with two witches in the universe, MCU can definitely cook something spectacular. We will have our merchandise and t-shirts ready for the film Kevin!